YOGYAKARTA - In order to be able to live a life more calmly and avoid stress, everyone needs to maintain mental health. One way or method that can be done to improve mental health is to do holistic therapy. However, there are still many who do not know holistic therapy and how to do it.

Holistic therapy is one of the treatments to improve mental, spiritual, and physical health. This psychotherapy method is quite different from other types so that it is quite popular with many people. Holistic therapy is a combination of several types of therapy as well as from traditional and non-traditional treatment methods.

If you want to build a living welfare to avoid stress and anxiety, then you need to try to undergo holistic therapy. It's best to first get to know holistic therapy and what the method is like?

Holistic therapy or holistic psychotherapy is a body-centered psychotherapy method to improve mental health. This therapy method uses traditional and non-traditional treatments at once. Therapy techniques are performed by combining several types of therapy, ranging from hyponosis, meditation, breathing exercises, to acupuncture.

Holistic therapy is effective enough to relieve stress, anxiety problems, and mood swings. This therapy is not only beneficial for mental health, but also plays a role in maintaining physical and spiritual conditions. This therapy is carried out to help a person feel well-being in life so that a person can focus on developing himself and recovering various problems experienced.

When undergoing holistic therapy, a person will be invited to raise self-awareness. It is hoped that this person can better understand the relationship between the soul, mind, and body itself. When knowing yourself, it is easier for a person to overcome and control the problems faced. That way a person can get a more prosperous feeling and focus on developing themselves.

Holistic therapy experts will teach patients to understand that the body, soul, and mind are three things that are connected to each other. All three need to be managed properly in order to avoid mental and physical health problems. Techniques in holistic therapy come from mindfulness and bodywork.

There are several techniques that are usually applied in holistic therapy, as follows:

Holistic therapy is a psychotherapy method that includes several types of therapy. Here are tips for the types of holistic therapy that you can undergo.

This therapy method is carried out by approximating several techniques that are tailored to the needs of each patient.

This therapy method focuses on improving the function of mind and body, by relaxing to manage stress.

This therapy method focuses on the patient's body with body movement techniques, such as dancing, meditation or yoga, and breathing exercises to cure mental health problems.

This therapy method focuses on the patient's belief or faith to explore the problems the patient faces.

Such are the reviews of getting to know holistic therapy, the method of doing it, and several types of therapy that are undertaken. Holistic therapy is one of the psychotherapy methods that you can try to overcome various mental health problems and to find the welfare of life.

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