JAKARTA- Tomatoes are one of the food ingredients that is easy to obtain, even in recent years the consumption of tomatoes has increased because their processed products, especially juices that are easy to make and have an effect on improving health for the body.

The tomato juices are said to be nutritious and filling. These are considered to be one of the best drinks for the perpetrators of the diet. According to a study, tomato juice contains many bioactive compounds such as GABA (natural amino acids that work as brain neurotransmitters), lycopopens (natural dipolements that give red colors to tomatoes), eculeoside A (crycoside steroid spirosolanne with many benefits), and 13-oxo-9, 11-octacecadioic acid or 13-oxo-ODA (acting as a metabolite).

The study also mentioned that compared to fresh tomatoes, tomato juice has more health benefits as the skinning process increases lycopene levels, and 13-oxo-ODA is only found in fresh tomato juice, not in fresh tomatoes. Here are some health benefits from tomato juice, citing Boldsky as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 17.

As mentioned above, 13-oxo-ODA is only found in tomato juice which is a strong PPAR alpha agonis, which means it helps lower levels of high cholesterol in the body (dislipidemia) which can cause the development of atherosclerosis, stroke, and other blood circulation problems.

Consumption of tomato juice can help regulate associated lipid metabolism and proliferation, and thus, manage chronic diseases related to cholesterol metabolic dysfunction.

Obesity is the main risk factor for diabetes. The tomatoes Jus, as a strong PPAR agonis, not only helps lower cholesterol levels, but also high glucose levels, which can help increase insulin insensitivity in diabetics and pre-diabetes.

PPAR also helps reduce inflammation (the main cause of diabetes) and increases the production of the adiponectic hormone and AdipoR, which decreases in levels can be the main cause of obesity-induced diabetes.

Antioxidants have a large effect on the immune system. The presence of strong caroteneoids such as lycopene and betacarotene in tomato juice is best known for their immunomodulation effects. Karotenoids can change the expressions of many proteins involved in cell proliferation and cell differentiation along with malicious free radical retrieval. Thus, consumption of tomato juice increases carotenoids in the body that tend to increase immunity and can help prevent autoimmune disorders.

Likopen has cancer prevention properties. According to a study, more than 80 percent of lycopene food in the US comes from tomato juice and other tomato products. In addition, consuming tomato products is related to lowering the risk of various types of cancer such as lung, stomach, breast, and prostate. Likopen is a strong antioxidant that can help transport free radicals in the body and thus, prevent cancer risk or help reduce its development.

Consumption of tomato juice is associated with a reduced risk of chronic disease inflammatory and non-communicable, such as heart disease. The presence of lycopene (50.4 mg) in juice along with essential vitamins (such as vitamin C) and phenolic acid, can help increase body function such as lowering cholesterol and glucose levels, which are a risk factor for heart disease.

Drinking tomato juice can be one of the simplest ways to lose weight. According to a study, tomato juice can help reduce inflammatory cytokines, whose higher concentration is associated with obesity or weight gain, fat mass, muscle mass, and waist circumference. Tomato juice is also low in calories and filling so that it can help in managing weight in a healthy way

The tomato juices have high lycopene and GABA levels. These two compounds are known to relieve many psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and mood swings, especially in menopause women. According to a study, the imbalance of the brain's neurotransmitters can cause some mental disorders. Because GABA and lycopene help in neural transmission, increasing the amount through food sources such as tomato juice can help treat many mental health disorders.

Stay hydrated is very important for cellular functions that support many other body functions. Black tomatoes are considered a very good hydration source because they are rich in water content (94.5 g per 100 g). Therefore, consuming tomato juice can help keep your body's electrolytes hydrated and prevent related diseases such as dehydration.

Postmenopaused women are more susceptible to bone-related diseases such as osteoporosis. According to a study, lycopene, which is widely found in tomato juice, can help reduce markers of N-teoptide bone resort (NTx) and oxidative stress due to its antioxidant capacity and can help lower the risk of osteoporosis.

The tomato juice has a carotenoid which is a natural anti-aging compound. Imposing tomato juice in daily food can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals and increase cell regeneration which is important to slow down aging. Tomato juices also help treat many skin problems such as acne, acne and dry skin.

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