YOGYAKARTA Bedak baya is a powder used to keep the baby's skin dry and help overcome itching caused by sweat and diapers rashes. However, improper use of baby powder can cause health problems. Therefore, parents need to know the rules for using baby powder so that they can minimize various health risks that lurk.

Adapted from the AI-Care page, here are the rules for using baby powder that must be known so that health problems do not arise in the baby:

For additional information, information in the baby's genital area is not always caused by a diapers rash. Irritation may be caused by bacterial, fungal, or allergic infections.

Risk Of Using Baby Bedaxes Excessively

As mentioned above, baby powder is a powder used to help prevent and overcome the rash of diapers and sweat. However, the controversy over the use of baby powder is still being discussed.

The need or not to use baby powder should be decided after knowing the risks.

One of the risks of excessive use of baby powder is the increased risk of ovarian cancer. Although it is still a debate, baby powder is said to be exposed to asbestos which is suspected of increasing the risk of cancer.

In addition to increasing the risk of ovarian cancer, excessive use of baby powder can increase various kinds of health problems, such as:

1. Respiratory disorders

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, baby powder may cause difficulty breathing and lung damage if the particle is inhaled. Baby powder is made of basic ingredients with very small particles and is easily inhaled. In fact, a little bit of the baby's powder applied can already cause irritation in the baby's lungs.

Acute irrigation in the lungs is characterized by several symptoms, including:

The chronic irrigation in the lungs is characterized by several symptoms, including:

2. Poisoning

The content of talk in baby powder is at risk of causing poisoning when accidentally inhaled or swallowed. The talk poisoning is characterized by the following symptoms:

This is information about the rules for using baby powder that parents need to know. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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