YOGYAKARTA Not everyone who raises a cat knows the meaning of cat sterilization. The term refers to surgery carried out on a cat. Then what are cat sterile and what are the benefits?

In simple terms, sterilization of cats is a medical surgery carried out on cat animals. Sterilization can also be called castration. Cat sterilization surgery is in the form of the expenditure of reproductive organs, both in male and female cats.

Sterilization of male cats is carried out by removing testes which are the main sources of testosterone hormones. This operation will cause hormone levels in cats to drop.

Meanwhile, sterilization of female cats is carried out by lifting the ovaries and uteruses by ovariohysterektomi technique. Thus the cat cannot get pregnant even though it performs the marriage process with the male cat.

Castration or strerilization of cats is an act of operation to remove the cat's reproductive organs, such as the thesis or protection of eggs from cats. Cat strerilization, both in male and female cats, is recommended to be performed at the age of about 4 months or after the cat completes the main vaccination.

The main benefit of sterilizing cats is to prevent cats from breeding. However, the goal of sterilization is not only that. Some of the benefits of sterile cats are as follows.

Cats are animals that can give birth at least 3 times a year with an estimated number of baby cats that can be born are two. For cat owners, the birth of cats is sometimes quite troublesome. To reduce the cat population in one house or environment, the act of sterilizing cats needs to be done.

Cats spray urine to mark their territory. This natural habit is sometimes disturbing for home owners. To reduce the habit, sterilization can be done.

The smell of unsterilized cat urine will be very disturbing. Meanwhile, after being sterile, the pungent smell of cat urine can be slightly reduced.

The benefits of sterilization are also related to the health of cats. Research says that cat castration can prolong the potential for cat life because these animals will avoid several diseases such as infection and uterine cancer to ovarian cancer. While male cats can prevent thesis cancer to prostate problems.

Urin in cats is closely related to cat territory so that castration will reduce the desire of cats to mark their territory so that the risk of fights between cats can be reduced and the risk of cats being harmed because other factors are also reduced.

Cats that have been sterilized will be more at home so that owners can easily monitor the health of their pets.

Cats are prone to stress during the season of marriage because when they explore an area and do not find women, they will be stressed and susceptible to illness.

Cat sterilization can be done at a clinic that has a veterinarian. The cost of sterilizing cats also varies depending on gender, race, and where the owner performs the surgery. It should be noted that the cost of sterile female cats is usually more expensive because the surgical action is more complicated than male cats.

In general, village or domestic cat sterilization is charged from Rp. 200,000 to Rp. 350,000. As for breed cats, it is usually around Rp. 350,000 to Rp. 400,000.

In addition to knowing what is sterile cats, visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.

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