YOGYAKARTA - The issue of a person's belief or belief has become a topic that has often been discussed from the past until now. There are two terms that often appear in discussions about belief, namely agnostics and atheism. Both are often considered the same as beliefs that do not believe in the existence of God.

Even though there is a difference between agnostic and athetic. Although the discussion of the two religious views is a sensitive topic or prone to debate, it is necessary to know the differences between the two.

Agnostics and athethetics are often the subject of discussion on social media. However, there are still many people who do not understand the agnostic and amatic differences. Both show different world views or understanding systems, therefore they should not be equated.

Etimenologically agnostic comes from the Greek, namely gnostic which means knowing or knowledge and a which means no. It can be interpreted literally that agnostic is unaware.

By general definition, agnostic is a belief or view that God's existence is something unknown. People with an agnostic belief need a scientific explanation that can prove the existence of God.

The term agnostic and agnostic was coined in the late 19th century by a biologist from England named TH Huxley, as reported by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Huxley uses the word 'agnostic' to refer to people who seem to care about, that is, don't care about various things dogematization, including about the existence of God.

The word atheism generically refers to the term teism which means to believe or believe that God exists. While the added letter a in the word teism has meaning as negacy as no. From this understanding, it can be called that atheism is the belief that there is no God.

The term atheism is closely related to the metaphysical question that often arises in the discussion of religious philosophy, namely'DOES God exist?' So the answer is that there are only two direct affirmations, namely 'there is' which is a theism and no which is atheism.' In the theorem does not accept answers like I don't know or no one knows.

People who adhere to the views of atheism do not believe in God or God. The atheist denies God's existence because it cannot be proven empirically or logically in His presence.

The agnostic and athematic views do seem the same, but there are fundamental differences between the two. Agnostics do not deny the existence of God. But they stated they did not know about God's existence.

Agnostics need a scientific explanation to prove that God's existence really exists. Agnostics believe that there is another power that is greater than God and can be scientifically proven, namely the universe.

While atheism is an act or attitude of distrust of God. There are two types of atheism, namely 'gnostic athetic' and 'agnostic athetic'. 'gnostic atheists' are people who don't believe in God and can prove their views. Agnostic atheists are people who deny God's existence, but they can't prove it.

That's the difference between agnostic and atheism, which at first glance looks the same. But both have different basic principles. If amatic people completely reject God's existence, while agnostics do not deny God's existence. They need scientific evidence for God's existence, and they believe better in the power of the universe.

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