JAKARTA - The grief is being felt by celebrity Rendy Kjaernett, who has just been left behind by his father, Ernest Kjaernett for good on Saturday, January 4 in Thailand.
At this moment, Rendy expressed his relief and also regretted that he could not accompany his father when he fell ill.
"The most thing that makes me relieved is that papa is no longer sick, but maybe what I regret is that, at the moment he was sick I didn't have one," said Rendy Kjaernett in the Soekarno-Hatta Airport area, Sunday, January 5.
Rendy said that this was deliberately done by his father so that he did not know about his declining condition.
"At the moment (father was sick), two, three months I didn't know. So, because papa didn't want to until I found out, I can't know," he explained.
However, the husband of Lady Nayoan was reluctant to continue to regret the incident because he was sure that his father was happy in heaven.
"Yes, I do not have to regret it. He is happy," said Rendy.
Rendy is currently busy taking care of all matters related to his father's death documents. The plan is that his father's ashes will be brought back to Jakarta.
"So, this is being taken care of by the paper. I plan to bring the cremation ashes to Jakarta and I hope everything goes well," he said.
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