YOGYAKARTA - This time we will discuss what the difference between self-harm and self-injury...

What is Self-injury?

self-harm is a very strong way of dealing with emotions. For some, self-harm provides relief that crying can benefit all of us. Some people who dismember themselves feel they cannot control very angry and aggressive emotions. They become afraid that they might hurt someone, so they turn their aggression inside to get help.

People who hurt themselves can be defined as a seeker of attention. However, someone who gets involved in self-harm may believe that this is the only way to communicate their distress. Getting attention can actually be their last motivation, because self-harming can be a hidden problem that has been going on for years. Self-reflection solely for attention is one of the big myths about self-harming.

self-harm can be started as an outlet of anger and frustration (such as hitting a wall) and then growing into the main way to deal with stress which, as it remains hidden, results in more stress. (Read Distribution: Decommitted Self-Decommission to Relieve Emotional Stress)

The severity of self-harm is not always associated with the severity of a person's basic problem. Usually, over time, one of the effects of self-harm is that people who hurt themselves become more accustomed to the pain they cause on themselves so that they hurt themselves more badly to get the same level of relief.

What is Self - Harm?

Personal exposure is a term that has historically been used to cover various behaviors. It refers to intentionally causing pain or damage to your own body, and can be an intention of suicide or non-suicide. Self-injury is the type of self-harm, and refers to intentionally causing pain or damage to your own body without the intention of suicide.

Self-injury occurs more often in young people. Some people who injure themselves may also have thoughts about suicide.

Self-reflection can take different forms and the frequency can vary from person to person some may do it once, while others can do it over the years. This can include:

cut, burn, bite or scratch the skin So it doesn't heal

pull out hair, punch or hit the body

take harmful substances (such as poisons, or free drugs or recipes).

Self-reflection is usually a sign that a person feels intense pain and emotional stress.

There are many choices of support for self-harm behavior, whether you seek support for yourself or someone you love.

How to Support someone who is self-harm

People who self-harm need the care, understanding, and support to recover. The stigma of others can be damaging and can stop them from getting the support they need. According to a 2012 report by Orygen (Looking elsewhere: young people and self-harm), it is estimated that half of people who self-injury have never sought help.

If you think someone you know might hurt yourself, it's important to try to talk to him about it, and encourage them to seek professional help. Don't try to force them to quit, because it can make things worse. Talking to people who hurt themselves about their behavior can be safe and very helpful if done in a supportive way.

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