YOGYAKARTA – M70D rice seeds can be harvested the fastest for 70 days. In contrast to other types of seed varieties that harvest between 90-110 days. Another plus, this seed is also pest resistant and the harvested rice is delicious when cooked.

Seeing these advantages, seed varieties with high productivity are expected to improve the welfare of farmers. In addition, it can potentially be more solution to the problem of scarcity of basic materials. M70D rice is the result of research by the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) chaired by General (Ret.) Dr. Moeldoko, S. Ip.

In 2019, for the first time harvesting on an area of 25 hectares in Curug Village, Klari District. In the trial planting of this variety, at least 37 farmers were involved in the "Saluyu" Farmers Group Association. Launching Kompas, Wednesday, August 3, the General Chair of HKTI, Moeldoko, said that the M70D rice type was an extension of the M400. M400 rice is rice that produces 400 grains per clump. In contrast to rice in general about 100-150 grains.

Rice variety M70D, has also been tested in several areas in Indonesia. Such as Buleleng and Gianyar, Bali Province, Sukabumi, West Java, and other areas in the lowlands and highlands.

potensi hasil padi m70d
Illustration of easy maintenance and high productivity of M70D rice, which is expected to bring prosperity to farmers (iStockphoto)

Named M70D, it comes from Moeldoko 70 Days, which is a superior variety seed that has been researched for approximately four years. The yield from the harvest reaches 8 tons per hectare with a faster harvest time, or in the fastest time of 70 days.

The productivity of the M70D variety is high. Because they can harvest quickly, every year the farmers can plant rice at least three times. Moeldoko said the increase in production can improve the welfare of farmers.

Research on the development of M70D rice seed productivity that has been carried out has taken into account several aspects. Among them pay attention to the organoleptic test or sensory test of the rice produced. According to Moeldoko further, the results of any development, no matter how great, must follow the tastes or tongues of the people who consume them.

Care for rice varieties M70D is relatively easy. Farmers do not need a lot of fertilizer because it is quite strong against leafhoppers and the Tungro virus. Reported by Tani Makmur Nusantara, the M70D seed is the result of a cross from poor rawe maturing rice with banyuwangi cempo. How to grow M70D rice, is recommended to plant by favoring organic fertilizer. At the age of 10, 25, and 45 days, NPK fertilizer was given. At the age of 45 days, can be added foliar fertilizer that contains a lot of phosphate and potassium.

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