7 Benefits Of Banana As Calorie-Rich Fruits, One Of Them: Reducing Bloating
Illustration of the benefits of bananas as a calorie-rich fruit (Unsplash/Giorgio Trovato)

JAKARTA - Eating one banana, it turns out the benefits are good for the body. This fruit is very easy to get. The fruit season is all year round, not to mention the various types.

Bananas are botanically a berry, which in 100 grams contains 89 calories. Well, based on how to eat, bananas are divided into two. First, bananas that are cooked or need to be processed before eating and second, the fruit can be eaten directly as a dessert.

Besides calories, bananas also contain sodium, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, and vitamin B6. From this content, here is a list of the benefits of bananas that are rich in calories.

1. Bananas help reduce flatulence

Stomach bloating due to the production of a lot of gas and drinking lots of water, can be combated by eating bananas. A study reported by EatThis, Thursday, April 7, found that women who ate bananas twice a day as a snack between meals for 60 days, could reduce flatulence by up to 50 percent. Bananas can fight bloating in the stomach by increasing good bacteria. These beneficial bacteria help fluid retention.

manfaat pisang sebagai buah kaya kalori
Illustration of the benefits of bananas as a calorie-rich fruit (Unsplash/Eiliv-Sonas Aceron)

2. Makes You Full longer

Bananas can be used as a diet menu, because this fruit can help suppress appetite and feel full longer. Bananas are rich in resistant starch, which is beneficial for feeding healthy bacteria in the gut. Another benefit leads to more efficient fat oxidation.

Although high in calories, it turns out that research has shown that replacing 5 percent of daily carbohydrates with resistant starch sources, one of which is bananas, can increase post-meal burning by up to 30 percent. Because bananas are high in resistant starch before they are ripe, it is advisable to process them into smoothies so that they don't taste tart.

3. Supports a healthier digestive system

If you don't feel well after eating, it can help better because bananas help with poor digestion. They are a good source of prebiotics and fructooligosaccharides, a group of fructose molecules that lead to better digestive health.

manfaat pisang sebagai buah kaya kalori
Illustration of the benefits of bananas as a calorie-rich fruit (Unsplash/Eiliv-Sonas Aceron)

4. Improves bone health

Although bananas are not high in calcium, they only contain less than 1 percent of the daily calcium requirement. But bananas help increase calcium absorption with the help of prebiotic fructooligosaccharides. According to research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, when fructooligosaccharides ferment in the digestive tract, they increase the body's ability to absorb calcium.

5. Good for eye health

Bananas contain vitamin A (1 percent DV) and vitamin C (18 percent DV), both of which are antioxidants and are nutrients that are beneficial for eye and skin health. Bananas also have beta carotene, an antioxidant that can help protect cells and repair cell damage.

In addition, bananas contain vitamin E (120 mg per small banana and lutein (26 mg per medium banana. The function of lutein can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration, according to Isabel Smith, MS., RD., CDN.)

6. Good source of energy

Marathon runners pick up and eat bananas before and after the race. The reason, bananas are rich in glucose, a source of sugar that is most easily digested and provides optimal energy for running, lifting weights, and yoga. While eating one banana after exercise, can quickly replenish energy stores that are depleted during a workout session.

7. Helps detoxify the body

Bananas contain pectin, which is a gelatin-like fiber. The fiber attaches to toxic compounds in the blood and removes them from the body in the urine. Pectin is also found in citrus fruits, its benefits can help weight loss because pectin can limit the amount of fat absorbed by the body's cells.

Unlike when you get resistant starch, there is a lot of pectin in ripe bananas. The yellower the banana, according to a Food Chemistry study, the higher the pectin content, which can also help regulate blood sugar.

Above are the seven benefits of bananas as a calorie-rich fruit. It should also be understood that calories from complex carbohydrate food sources are healthier than those from simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates from natural foods, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. While simple carbohydrates in foods made from flour, high processing, and low in fiber.

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