JAKARTA - Actor Ryan Reynolds answered the news that his character Deadpool will appear in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Ryan Reynolds emphatically denied and said he would not appear in Doctor Strange 2.

"I really wasn't in the movie (Doctor Strange 2). I promise, I'm not in the film," Reynolds said, according to Variety.

This rumor started when some fans suspected that there was a Deadpool figure in the Doctor Strange poster that Marvel uploaded earlier this week. He even gave the latest news about the third Deadpool film.

“It will come,” said Ryan Reynolds.

Of course, Ryan Reynolds' answer was not completely accepted by fans. The reason is, there are a number of artists who do the same thing but appear in films, for example, Andrew Garfield.

The new Doctor Strange trailer was released on February 14 yesterday as one of the Superbowl commercials. This first video caught the attention of viewers because of the new conflict that Benedict Cumberbatch is facing.

On the other hand, Deadpool will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe starting from the third part.

Ryan Reynolds also briefly said he was taking a break from filming in October 2021. He said he had completed a number of film productions, namely Spirited, Deadpool 3, and most recently The Adam Project.

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