JAKARTA - When Ivan Gunawan introduced the presence of Miracle Putra Gunawan as his first son, netizens were immediately excited because he was not married. However, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be just a doll.

The furore immediately made netizens assume that Ivan kept a spirit doll, which several celebrities have done. He denies having adopted a spirit doll.

"Once again I emphasize that my child is not a child of the devil. It has nothing to do with the devil or the genie or anything," said Ivan Gunawan, launching the Hitz Infotainment channel.

“Because I didn't adopt him, but I got him (spirit doll) from Ruben (Onsu). Even though everyone knows it's a doll, yes, but everyone has a way of treating what he likes, "explained Ivan again.

Most of the spirit dolls owned by public figures resemble babies, which they then take care of like a child. Secretary of the Directorate General of Islamic Guidance at the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) M. Fuad Nasar stated that this was contrary to the value of monotheism and reduced human values.

"Believing in the existence of elements of supernatural powers in man-made objects or natural objects means reducing the value of human dignity, because it is contrary to the value of monotheism as the principle of faith in God Almighty," said Fuad Nasar, in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 5, quoted from the ministry's website.

In addition, Fuad assessed, in terms of religious moderation, everything that degrades the dignity, status, and dignity of humanity as intelligent beings must be prevented.

"Humans were created as the highest and noblest creatures among all of His creations," he stressed.

Religious moderation itself implies religious perspectives, attitudes, and practices in living together by embodying the essence of religious teachings that protect human dignity and build benefits based on fair, balanced principles and obey the constitution as a national agreement.

It seems that this commotion made unmoved. He deleted all the pictures of the doll on his Instagram. Meanwhile, in the doll account, only four photos remain.

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