JAKARTA – An activity that can help you relax is yoga. As is well known, yoga is not only a movement but also promotes focus, feels the breath, and aids relaxation.

Well, for those of you who don't have much time to release stress or tension, the five poses or movements below can be done. It only takes about 3 minutes to do the following movements.

1. Child pose

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Illustration of yoga poses for relaxation, child pose (Unsplash/Katie Lue)

Child pose, reported by Today, Wednesday, January 5, is a relaxed movement that stretches the arms and back. If you sit often, your back and shoulders will feel tense. This means that you can make this first move. The effect of the child pose is calming, especially when taking deep breaths.

2. Cat and cow

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Illustration of cat and cow yoga pose (iStockphoto)

According to certified yoga and pilaster trainer Stephanie Mansour, she often does the cat and cow movement in the morning to relax her spine and open up her chest. This pose also helps increase back flexibility while stretching your neck and opening your chest for deep breathing.

The movement is slow, starting from the position of the body on the knees and hands. When taking the cow position, take a deep breath and drop your stomach to the floor and your back arched down. Keep your head up, Stephanie ordered.

When exhaling, it's called the cat's position by moving the back against the back, the stomach away from the floor. Each of these movements or poses is performed for 30 seconds.

3. Cobra

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Cobra yoga pose illustration (Unsplash/Katie Lue)

Cobra pose is a slow movement that also helps stretch the spine and open up the chest. This pose is great for flexibility and helps relieve fatigue and stress. To do this, place your palms on both sides of your chest and press them into the ground. Lift your upper body off the floor until your elbows are vertically straight.

4. Side stretch

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Illustration of a side stretch yoga pose (Unsplash/Katie Lue)

The side of the stomach, according to Stephanie, is the side that often forgets to stretch. So, you can do a side stretch yoga pose. The movement begins by sitting cross-legged, then raise your right arm up. Bend your body to the left as far as you can. Place your left-hand flat on the ground to maintain balance. Do the reverse side and each pose is held for 30 seconds.

5. Corpse pose

gerakan yoga relaksasi
Illustration of yoga poses for relaxation (iStockphoto)

Stephanie recommends this pose to her clients to feel more relaxed and recover her energy. Corpse pose is more than just a resting pose, it also helps clear the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and lower blood pressure.

This last pose is also done as a meditation movement. That is by lying on your back and arms outstretched. Position your back to feel comfortable and palms facing up. You can also move one hand on your stomach and the other on your heart.

When doing yoga poses, inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose as well. That way, you can feel the air rising from your stomach to your chest.

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