Equally Stubborn In Romance, Here's How To Overcome It
Illustration of a stubborn couple (Pexels/Anna Khazova)

JAKARTA – The love relationship between two people goes through various phases. From being happy to both knowing that each of them has a stubborn nature. According to coach Adrian, a relationship consultant, everyone needs to struggle in order to position themselves.

Including building a romantic relationship with empathy, so that if you and your partner are both stubborn, you will no longer wonder how long you will be able to stay committed. Reported by the Happy Committed page, Adrian provides directions or ways to commit to a relationship between two people who are both stubborn.

Putting perspective right

The first question that Adrian asks his client is "Is it better to be right or is it better to be loved?". These questions can be used as a tool to build the right perspective.

Stubborn people, usually based on the 'right' so often ignore other arguments beyond what he believes. And according to Adrian, most of the time stubborn people tend to push their partners away.

So one thing that needs to be done, stop focusing on winning every argument because that's not what is important in a relationship between the two.

Have a common goal

If you are so stubborn, it can ruin the relationship. This means that a new approach is needed in order to build happiness together. Happiness together can be used as a goal, because being happy together can create a healthy environment and both can continue to build their respective dreams.

Strengthen connection

Instead of criticizing each other's shortcomings, it's better to rebuild the moments that can bring the connection closer. Adrian added, to focus on overcoming stubbornness is actually that easy. Just need to focus on the future and make it better.

Making relationships more harmonious can be done by minimizing negative actions and focusing on the good.

Healthy communication to understand each other

The harmony of a relationship boils down to understanding each other. All relationships are about understanding each other's wants, needs, and desires. If you don't try to see it from your partner's point of view, or vice versa, it will be very difficult to rebuild a healthy connection.

Good at negotiating

Like a team that has its own task, each partner needs to negotiate a lot of things. Starting from doing small things related to romantic relationships, to things that can't be changed. Everything is based on empathy, mutual respect, and respect for one another.

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