What was stated by Anies Baswedan and also Muhaimin Iskandar, according to the National Team Captain Amin Muhammad Syaugi is still reasonable. This means that the program spoken is not a sweet or grandiose promise. Everything that has been promised has been programmed and realized. When programmed for a larger scale, it is not impossible to be realized.


Before being trusted to be the captain of the Amin national team, the work of the TNI Marshal (Ret.) H. Muhammad Syaugi, SSos, MM was more involved in non -political activities. He began his career as an Air Force Officer and retired after going through various important positions in his unit. After returning to become a civilian, he had an interest in the political world by joining the TNI Police Retired Communication Forum for Change and Unity (FKPPP).

The forum, which is inhabited by retired TNI (Army) and Polri (Police), sees what is happening in this country needs to be improved. By carrying out the spirit of change, they found a meeting point with Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate who carried the theme of change. "What he (Anies Baswedan) promised was realized. What is promised now has been promised. So it's not impossible, and it's not a sweet promise," he said.

The national team, said Syaugi, is a team that continues to grow. Every day volunteers who join continue to grow. "This is the Growing Team. This means that this team continues to grow, he both always embraces anyone who wants to join. All are accepted according to their competence," he stressed.

One thing that Muhammad Syaugi expected was that democratic party that will take place on February 14, 2024 will take place honestly and fairly. Now the process of going to D-day is happening, each candidates offer superior programs in their respective campaigns. "Whoever the candidate pair is elected later, he is a leader for the people of Indonesia. His notes in the election process must be honest, fair and just. All parties are equally supervising that the presidential and legislative elections run honestly and fairly. I think everyone wants the same thing," he said to Edy Suherli and Irfan Medianto from VOI who met him at the Amin national team headquarters in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, not long ago. This is the full interview excerpt.

Menurut Kapten Timnas AMIN Muhammad Syaugi, ada tiga alasan mengapa ia memberikan dukungan pada paslon Anies Baswedan dan Muhaimin Iskandar. (Foto Irfan Medianto, DI Raga Granada)

According to the national team captain Amin Muhammad Syaugi, there are three reasons why he gave support to candidate pair of Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar. (Photo: Irfan Medianto, Di Raga Granada)

What are the considerations that make you accept the challenge as the Amin national team captain?

Before being appointed as the captain of the Amin national team, I was a member of the Retired Volunteer of the Indonesian National Police. I joined the Indonesian National Police Retired Communication Forum for Change and Unity (FKPPP). Why is this group? Because we see the situation and condition of our country is now not okay. We were called to gather, at first one or two people, now 125 general retired TNI and Polri from 1 star to 4 star. We want a change. The figure of the change is in Mr. Anies Baswedan. At that time we did not reproduce anyone who would be his representative. But now after Mr. Muhaimin Iskandar who became his representative was even better.

After listening to what was conveyed by Mr. Anies and Mr. Muhaimin, they wanted change. From bad things to good. We have a match, so we are eager to help this couple.

Are you then appointed as captain?

Yes, as time passed, I was then appointed. Frankly, I was initially shocked, why me? The thing is I am not a businessman, like the leader of the team from the next camp. Apparently Mr. Anies-Muhaimin had different considerations. I am retired and former Air Force fighter pilot. Who usually move quickly with a precise calculation. Maybe that's where he appointed me. Why I accept? Because I support them. So I am ready to accept this offer, even though this is not an easy thing. For the sake of the nation and country I am ready to sacrifice.

What do you think, as a pair, the advantages of Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar?

First he was a clean person. The second he has a good track record. It can be seen for yourself, not the vision and mission. If the vision and mission can be made. And the third two people are populist. Meet anyone they embrace. Not discriminating.

Not discriminating, what is the proof?

For example in this national team only; We call it the Growing Team. This means that this team continues to grow, he both always embraces anyone who wants to join. All accepted according to their competence. Every day this volunteer increases.

Previously, Anies's campaign looked shy to criticize the government, now in the campaign period, he is very brave, why?

That is a strategy. Before registration as candidate pair we hope anxiously, whether we can reach registration or not. That is a strategy from Mr. Anies and Mr. Muhaimin so that people like it. And the most important thing is that the two of them in my opinion are helped by Allah SWT.

What is the example?

For example, the problem whether he could reach registration phase until he get the serial number. Who can turn many people around so that they can provide support to Mr. Anies and Mr. Muhaimin

Timnas AMIN kata Muhammad Syaugi adalah tim yang tumbuh, setiap hari anggotanya bertambah. (Foto Irfan Medianto, DI Raga Granada)
The AMIN National Team, said Muhammad Syaugi, is a team that is growing, every day its members increase. (Photo: Irfan Medianto, DI Raga Granada)

Within a week of the campaign, Anies criticized IKN Nusantara and promised to build railways, build international class stadiums in several cities, is this a sweet promise?

Let's look at Mr. Anies' track record while leading DKI Jakarta. What he promised came true. Well, what is now promised has already been promised. So this is not impossible, and not a sweet promise. Transportation in Jakarta with JakLingko can be an example. After completing one stage, the MRT continues to the next stage. Transportation in Jakarta is all integrated. So everything promised has proof, not wishful thinking. It's not wrong if Mr Anies says; look at his track record. If it's just a promise but there's no track record, how are we going to believe it?

Regarding IKN Nusantara, which Anies criticized, he wants the funds to be diverted to education. This issue is already in the law, how can we change it?

What Mr. Anies said was that the funds to build IKN Nusantara were large, they were only for one city. If the funds could be spread out, 18 other cities could become as big as Jakarta now. It is true that this law already exists, but it can be reviewed which one is more beneficial for the public.

Does this mean that IKN Nusantara has stopped or continued?

It's still a process now, that will be determined later. It cannot be answered now whether to continue or stop, a more in-depth study involving all stakeholders is needed.

There is also a stir in the DKJ Bill, in this bill the Governor of Jakarta is appointed by the President, what is your response?

Let the people judge and determine this matter, which is best for Jakarta, whether direct election as so far or chosen by the president.

Anies Baswedan also launched a 0 percent down payment housing program. What was your previous evaluation of implementing the same program in Jakarta?

Everything has a process, what is clear is that this program has been carried out by Mr Anies in Jakarta. It's true that it hasn't all worked out yet, there are stages. However, this is a good thing that can be implemented in a wider scope. The desired changes include cheap housing, cheap education, job opportunities and affordable health programs. Pak Anies always echoes these four things so that the public knows that if Pak Anies and Pak Muhaimin are elected they can solve these problems.

In the economic field, what we need to note is the idea of the AMIN Market (Thank God it is selling well, the capital is easy, the costs are economical, and the shop is comfortable), what are the advantages of this market compared to most markets?

What Mr. Anies wants is justice and equality, between traders and buyers. In this market, prices of goods are affordable, people's purchasing power is there, and jobs are created. So the small ones are raised and the big ones are not reduced. With this concept, everything is comfortable.

Campaigns require logistics and funds, how much has the AMIN National Team prepared?

Our greatest capital is the people's movement. Our biggest troops are volunteers from the party, retired TNI Polri, workers, farmers, fishermen, Islamic boarding school students, kiayi, all of them are combined. So we don't talk about money, that doesn't mean we don't need money. Just enough. Everything grows from the heart. Because my background is a pilot, I think mission oriented, not money oriented. Work first, do it later, the money will follow.

Will there be a fundraiser for AMIN?

Yes, there will be and it will be announced. So that the community can help. It's not about the value but the participation of the public who want change and win the AMIN candidate in the 2024 presidential election. It's not just money, it can be energy, ideas and so on. So we welcome all assistance from the community.

What will be the accountability of aid handed over to the public?

Later there will be a section that makes reports on the assistance that has been received.

As captain of the AMIN National Team, what are the obstacles in collecting campaign funds?

The problem is the numbers. That helps a lot, but the amount is not what you imagine. However, you say thank you and are grateful for the donations that have been distributed. We believe that if you have good and sincere intentions, there will be a way from Allah SWT.

How optimistic are you that this AMIN candidate pair will pass the first round?

I am very optimistic, because of the calculations from our team. Because each of Pak Anies and Pak Muhaimin has a support base in various regions. Therefore, we are confident that we can pass the first round of the 2024 presidential election.

During the 2019 regional elections in Jakarta, many observers thought that Anies Baswedan and his team were carrying out identity politics, and the same concerns would be applied in the 2024 presidential elections. What is your response?

It's an old song, identity politics is labeled for Pak Anies. But there is no proof of that. So there's no need to discuss it any more, the past problem has been resolved.

What is AMIN's candidate pair strategy in attracting millennials?

Millennials are the next generation, those who will continue the tasks of the current generation. We call on millennials to exercise their voting rights, because your choice will determine the future of the nation. Don't abstain. For millennials we offer programs; cheap and affordable housing, cheap education, employment opportunities and affordable health programs.

If the winner of the 2024 presidential election is not AMIN's candidate pair, are you ready to collaborate with the winner?

Oh yeah, why not. We are fighting for the nation and state. Whoever the candidate pair is chosen is for the Indonesian people. The record is honest, fair and just. All parties work together to ensure that the presidential and legislative elections run honestly and fairly. I think everyone wants the same thing.


Muhammad Syaugi's Exciting Experience When He Was an F-16 Pilot

Di luar kesibukan sebagai Kapten Timnas AMIN, Muhammad Syaugi tetap berolahraga untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuhnya. (Foto Irfan Medianto, DI Raga Granada)

Outside of his busy schedule as Captain of the AMIN National Team, Muhammad Syaugi continues to exercise to maintain his health and fitness. (Photo: Irfan Medianto, DI Raga Granada)

As an F-16 fighter pilot, Marshal TNI (Ret.) H. Muhammad Syaugi, SSos, MM, has many unique experiences that will never be forgotten. What are some unforgettable experiences while being a pilot? This is the story.

Even though he is busy with his duties as Captain of the AMIN National Team, from morning until late at night, he still finds time to do sports. “I still run on the treadmill at home, or run and walk in the morning around my housing complex. Apart from that, I also play with my grandchildren at home. By doing this activity I can relax a little from the hard task of being Captain of the AMIN National Team," said the man born December 10, 1960.

Each Syaugi exercise session takes around 18 to 19 minutes. "When I ran, the distance I covered was 2.5 km in 18 to 19 minutes. When I don't have time to leave the house, I use the treadmill for the same distance," said the former Head of the National Search and Rescue Agency (BNPP).

By exercising regularly every day, Syaugi admits that his body stays fit, his muscles remain elastic. That's how he maintains his health and fitness.

Still Can

Banyak pengalaman unik, seru yang tak terlupakan saat  Muhammad Syaugi aktif menjadi pilot pesawat tempur F-16. (Foto Irfan Medianto, DI Raga Granada)
There were many unique and exciting experiences that were unforgettable when Muhammad Syaugi was active as an F-16 fighter pilot. (Photo: Irfan Medianto, DI Raga Granada)

It's been a long time since you've driven an F-16 fighter, can you still be a pilot again? “Yes, I can still do it, but I have to practice more. Because I haven't piloted that plane for many years. But the sense of length is still there. Just practice once or twice and then I can do it again. Unless we fly different planes," said the best graduate and winner of the Adhi Makayasa Air Force Academy in 1984.

The problem, continued Syaugi, was that he had been a pilot for more than 20 years. “For more than 20 years I have been in the cockpit of an F-16 fighter aircraft. So I still remember the functions of the equipment in the airplane cockpit," continued the man who also completed formal education, a Bachelor's Degree in Social Politics from Merdeka Madiun University (1998) and a Master's Degree in Management from IMMI Jakarta Management College (2014).

There are many unforgettable experiences as a fighter pilot. "But frankly, there are more joys than sorrows," said Syaugi, who is very proud to hold the title of pilot of this sophisticated fighter aircraft.

What makes him very proud is that he can travel around Indonesia and even abroad. "By becoming an F-16 pilot, I can travel around Indonesia and even go abroad while doing flight training in other countries," said Iswahyudi Base Commander (2011).

Almost Collided

Meski sibuk dengan beragam kegiatan, Muhammad Syaugi tetap membagi perhatian untuk keluarganya. (Foto Irfan Medianto, DI Raga Granada)
Even though he is busy with various activities, Muhammad Syaugi still shares his attention with his family. (Photo: Irfan Medianto, DI Raga Granada)

In his long time as a fighter pilot, there was one moment that Muhammad Syaugi will never forget. “Dynamics in the task definitely exist even though we have tried our best. So if we are careful, incidents such as collisions can be minimized," he said.

In 1996 Indonesia had an Aerobatic Team. “At that time we learned from instructors from America. When practicing there is a maneuver called calepso. Namely flying upside down. During practice I almost had a collision. The atmosphere is very tense. But thank God there was no collision, Allah still loves me. My knees were already moving at that time. The thing is, if something happens, lives are at stake," recalled Syaugi, who was blessed with three daughters from his marriage to Lidia; Aidan Ariella, Alysha Athia and Anaura Anitcka.

There is another unique experience, when flying from Jayapura to Kupang NTT for 1 hour 45 minutes. "At that time, the AC on my plane was having a problem, it couldn't adjust the temperature. So it's very cold in the cockpit. Because it's cold, I want to pee. Actually there is a tool to accommodate it but it is full. After landing in Kupang, I was on the verge of peeing," he said, chuckling as he recalled the incident.

Having been the Head of Basarnas, Syaugi has experience when working with his heart. Not everyone can do it, but if you practice it can be done. "I applied that experience to the AMIN National Team," said the 24-year Satyalancana Loyalty award winner.

Despite his busy schedule, Muhammad Syaugi still pays attention to his family. "The task of the AMIN National Team is complete if we can eat together. In the morning before work, I make time to chat with my family. Although there's little time, the important thing is quality," said Syaugi, who forbade his children and wife from messing with gadgets when they met him, and he did the same. That way there is direct interaction between him and his family.

"Our biggest capital is the people's movement. Our biggest troops are volunteers from the party, retired army and police officers, workers, farmers, fishermen, Islamic boarding school students, kiayi, all of them combined. So we don't talk about money, that doesn't mean we don't need money. Just enough amount of it. Everything grows from the heart,"

Muhammad Syaugi

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