JAKARTA - Injuries in exercise are often unavoidable. However, when an injury has befallen, one thing that must be known is the handling that should not be mistaken. Because, the first wrong treatment, can be at risk worse than the injury suffered.
dr. L. Grace Tumbelaka, Sp.KO, Subsp.ALK (K), a specialist in sports medicine, sub-specialists under training and competence, said that injury is not the end of everything when handled appropriately.
Such as services available at the Siloam Sports Medicine & Performance Center for patient injuries while exercising.
Comprehensive Ortopedic Services
Siloam Sports Medicine & Performance Center comprehensive services start from preventive programs, including fitness and physical health consultations tailored to help patients achieve optimal fitness and avoid injury. The implementation of the Exercise strategy is adjusted to the patient's physical condition. In addition, rehabilitation programs (including return to sport) and physiotherapy are also carefully designed to accelerate patient recovery, restore movement functions and optimize the patient's physical strength.
Facilities And Technology Commitment
As a form of dedication, in addition to providing MRI services and international standard operating rooms, Siloam Mampang Hospital LIKEs Siloam Sports Medicine & Performance Center with superior facilities and technology, including:
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) is a diagnostic tool used to evaluate cardiovascular and respiratory functions. This tool uses a static treadmill or bicycle to measure the body's physiological response to physical activity. During the test, it will be monitored using electrocardiograms (EKG), blood pressure, and blood gas analysis to evaluate the function of the heart, lungs, and cardiovascular system.
Siloam Sports Medicine & Performance Center (VOI / Vessy) comprehensive service
One that can be assessed is VO2 max to measure the maximum body's capacity in consuming oxygen during intense activity. This data is needed to help athletes and individuals to design effective training programs.
AI-Based Analysis Motion
It is a movement analysis technique used to understand human movement patterns. By using technology such as sensors, cameras, and special software. Motion analysis can record, analyze, and interpret movement data. The results of this analysis can be applied in the scientific sports medicine to ensure that the movement is precise and optimal. By understanding the proper movement pattern, motion analysis can help improve performance, reduce injury risk, and improve safety.
Watch Cryotherary and ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy)
Innovative therapy that utilizes low temperatures and shock waves to relieve pain, accelerate muscle and joint recovery, and support network regeneration more optimally.
Stem Cells Treatment
Regenerative therapy that utilizes punca cells to repair tissue damaged by injury or degeneracy. This approach is used in the treatment of sports injuries, osteoartritis, as well as muscle and joint recovery so that patients can return to their optimal activities.
Prof. DR. dr. Andri Marulia Tua Lubis, Sp.OT(K), an orthopedic and traumatological surgeon, sports injury and artroscopy consultant said, with the latest combination of technology and evidence-based medical approaches, it not only helps patients recover from injury but also optimizes their performance to be more resilient and ready to face sporting challenges.
Real Changes For Patients
"I am very happy with the service at Siloam Mampang Hospital. For me, trust in who handles the operation is very important, starting from the way the doctor explains to the recovery program that must be clear and convincing," said Andakara Prastawa Dhyaksa, who is the captain of the Pelita Jaya basketball team in Jakarta.
Together with Andakara, Rifda Irfanaluthfi, the first Indonesian gymnast to compete in the Olympics, and Zidane Alqan Maharin, the Warriors Basketball athlete, also shared experiences on how medical services and sports rehabilitation at Siloam Mampang Hospital helped them in injury recovery, restoring optimal performance in the field. In particular, Rifda Irfanaluthfi also said that the Siloam Sports Medicine & Performance Center managed to prevent repeated injuries so that it could continue to compete on behalf of Indonesia.
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