JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) responded to the statement of former Commissioner of PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk Peter F. Gontha regarding the expensive cost of renting a plane. The ministry also encourages the former commissioners and directors of Garuda to be investigated on how the difference in the price of the plane rental could have occurred.

Previously, Peter in a post on his Instagram social media, questioned the difference in the cost of renting a Garuda plane. Even Peter also admitted that he had gone to the Director-General of Law and Human Rights and the Chairman of the KPK to discuss the issue.

Special Staff to the Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga said that the cost of renting a plane was one of the causes of Garuda Indonesia's financial problems. With the testimonies of the former commissioners and directors, it can be seen that the problem of leasing the aircraft.

"We are very supportive if it is true that Mr. Peter Gontha has provided data regarding aircraft leasing to the KPK. So we really encourage the former commissioners or former directors to be investigated at that time to check how the aircraft rental took place. We know that this is a case was reckless there, reckless flight there," he told reporters Monday, November 1.

According to Arya, Peter also took part in signing the plane rental carried out by Garuda Indonesia. Even so, said Arya, there were indeed several types of aircraft that Peter Gontha did not suppress.

"And from the information, Mr. Peter Gontha also participated in the rental of the plane. And he also signed, indeed there was a plane that he didn't sign, but he signed all the plane rentals," he explained.

Therefore, Arya also encouraged law enforcement to be able to go directly to inspect the commissioners and directors who were on duty at the time Garuda Indonesia was leasing the aircraft. According to him, this is important so that the aircraft rental problem can find a bright spot.

"So if you can, just push it so you can check the commissioners, directors who were actually on duty there so that it becomes clear," he said.

Arya stressed that his party supports the steps taken by Peter Gontha. That's why he also wanted Peter to give an explanation about the plane rental. Moreover, he also signed the plane rental.

"It's true what Mr. Peter Gontha has done, including Mr. Peter Gontha, you can all explain," he said.

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