Still Want to Use Illegal Loans? OJK Says They Often Charge People With Rude Words and Sexual Harassment
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is said to continue to make efforts to eradicate illegal online loans (pinjol) which often disturb the public.

This step was taken by the authorities to maintain stability and maintain public confidence in the financial services sector. The reason is, many of the borrowers who carry out activities that violate the applicable rules.

Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners, Wimboh Santoso, said that during 2019 to 2021 there were four forms of complaints that were mostly and classified as severe, which were reported by the public to the authorities.

“First, disbursement without the consent of the applicant. Then, the threat of spreading personal data, billing all telephone contacts accompanied by terror or intimidation, as well as billing with harsh words and sexual harassment," he said in an official statement quoted on Sunday, October 17.

For this reason, the OJK, called Wimboh, has established synergies with relevant agencies and law enforcement officials to eradicate the existence of online loans that are troubling the public.

"The OJK together with the National Police, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, the Coordinating Ministry for SMEs, and Bank Indonesia have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate in law enforcement to eradicate illegal lending to its roots," he said.

Just so you know, from 2019 to 2021 OJK is known to have received 19,711 illegal loan complaints with 9,270 of them categorized as severe.

Meanwhile, from 2018 until now, the number of unofficial online loan providers that have been closed is 3,516 applications.

"In the future, law enforcement and education will continue to be intensified to protect the public," concluded Wimboh.

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