JAKARTA - Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, today inaugurated 809 employees within her ministry to occupy new positions. During the inauguration process which was broadcast through virtual channels, the Minister of Finance conveyed several messages to his subordinates.

“The challenges we face in managing state finances are very real. I have repeatedly stated that in the face of a pandemic, the state's financial instruments are working extraordinarily hard", she said, Monday, October 4.

According to the Minister of Finance, the State Budget managed by the Ministry of Finance is at the forefront to support various strategic steps.

"The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact is an extraordinary situation that we must respond to, both in terms of health, providing social assistance, assisting MSMEs, restoring the economy, to encouraging the business world to rise again. They all use state finances as their main instrument", she said.

Furthermore, the former IMF and World Bank boss explained that although the challenges were quite large, this did not mean that the management of the State Budget was carried out unprofessionally. Precisely during the current pandemic, the use of state finances must pay close attention to the credibility aspect.

"We must be able to manage and maintain state finances to remain a credible instrument so that they can be a source of solutions and do not let state finances become a source of problems", she stressed.

For information, the state treasurer authorized 809 employees based on 3 middle high leadership officials, then 17 Pratama high leadership officials, and 149 administrator officials. Meanwhile, the remaining 639 people are functional tax and tax assessment officials and 1 Widyaiswara (Government employees) functionary official.

To note, in the last two years the State Budget has become the government's main instrument in stimulating the national economy and protecting the public from the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Especially for 2021, the government has even widened the budget deficit to 5.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), or equivalent to IDR 1,000 trillion. The move is intended to provide space to meet various spending needs in the midst of pressure from the income sector.

“All of you must be able to carry out the ethics of your position to the fullest, maintain your integrity, your position. Those three things you said to the one who created you, keep them in mind and don't forget them", she said.

“This is also a form of your love for the Republic of Indonesia. Never betray and never get tired of loving Indonesia. Give the best. Take care of your reputation and that of your family", closed the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani

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