JAKARTA – After the merger of four Pelindos into one Pelindo, the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, immediately appointed important names to fill strategic positions in the company's body.

In the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) which was held yesterday, most of the top ranks of Pelindo II were still retained by Erick. However, there is a new name Arif Suhartono who is known to be included in the composition of the board of directors as the President Director of Pelindo.

"Alhamdulillah, the merger of Pelindo has received approval from the Minister of Finance and also President Joko Widodo", said SOE Minister Erick Thohir on Friday, October 1.

As previously reported, the merger of port SOEs is considered a strategic step to adapt to the rapidly growing industry along with advances in technology and information.

As a port operator company that has a major role in maintaining the logistics distribution chain and has implications for the country's economic progress, a breakthrough is needed through the integration of port SOEs.

The integration plan has also received full support from various groups, including the Workers' Unions throughout Pelindo. On August 24, 2021, the PT Pelindo IV Labor Union held a coordination meeting, one of which was to provide full support for the integration of Pelindo.

Meanwhile, the composition of the new Pelindo Commissioners and Directors is as follows.

Pelindo's Board of Commissioners

Independent Commissioner (President Commissioner): Marsetio

Independent Commissioner: Irma Suryani Chaniago

Independent Commissioner: Heru Sukanto

Commissioner: Antonius Ranier Haryanto

Commissioner: R. Agus H. Purnomo

Commissioner: Didi Sumedi

Commissioner: Sudung Situmorang

Pelindo Board of Directors

President Director: Arif Suhartono

Vice President Director: Hambra

Director of Finance and Risk Management: Mega Satria

Director of Human Resources and General Affairs: Ihsanuddin Usman

Strategy Director: Prasetyo

Investment Director: Boy Robyanto

Managing Director: Putut Sri Muljanto

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