JAKARTA - PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT Pelni (Persero) was recorded to have transported 551,383 people during the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year holidays throughout Indonesia.
"PT Pelni is recorded as serving 551,383 people during the 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year Transportation periods or 8.7 percent higher than the initial projection of 507,054 people," said the President Director (Managing Director) of PT Pelni Tri Andayani as reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 10.
You, Tri Andayani's nickname, said, starting from the peak season period starting on December 11, 2024 (D-14) to January 8, 2025 (D+14), Pelni carried 467,143 people by passenger ship and 84,240 people by pioneering ship.
Pelni expressed his gratitude for the loyalty of customers who have used Pelni ships as preferred transportation during the Christmas and New Year 2024/2025 periods, as well as to all stakeholders in ports who have supported smooth homecoming and backflow, "you said.
Furthermore, you mentioned, the peak of the Christmas homecoming flow occurred on December 20, 2024 with 26,614 passengers and a peak of backflow on January 5, 2025 with a total of 24,575 passengers.
"We noted that there are five ports that are the favorite destinations for passengers, including Ambon, Makassar, Belawan, Batam and Sorong," he said.
Pelni also divided three areas to monitor passenger movements during year-end holiday transportation, namely western, central and eastern Indonesia.
In that period, the central region was recorded as the highest with 222,759 passengers (40.4 percent) being followed for the eastern region as many as 202,358 people (36.7 percent) and the western region as many as 126,267 people (22.9 percent).
As for the 10 most populous departure ports, namely Ambon, Makassar, Batam Island, Sorong, Jayapura, Belawan, Bau-Bau, Manokwari, Kupang, and Balikpapan.
Furthermore, Pelni also noted the 10 most populous sections, namely Batam-Belawan Island; Belawan-Baam Island; Makassar-Baulau; Bau-Bau-Makassar; Manokwari-Sorong-Sorong; Sorong-Ambon; Jayapura-Biak; Batam Island-Tanjung Priok; Ambon-Sorong; and Ambon-Ternate.
Pada Natal dan Tahun Baru 2024/2025, lanjut Anda, Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Perhubungan juga memberikan penugasan berupa tiket gratis bagi masyarakat sebanyak 3.100 tiket dengan realisasi tiket terjual sebanyak 3.021 tiket (97 persen).
The realization of the free ticket program for Christmas and New Year 2024/2025 is Batam - Belawan 696 tickets; Manokwari - Sorong 200 tickets; Sorong - Ambon 200 tickets; Ende - Kupang 200 tickets; Bitung - Sorong 200 tickets; Timika - Tual 200 tickets.
Furthermore, Tanjung Priok - Maumere 131 tickets; Jayapura - Serui 199 tickets; Jayapura - Biak 199 tickets; Makassar - Maumere 199 tickets; Makassar - Balikpapan 197 tickets; Jayapura - Nabire 200 tickets; and Ambon - Tual 200 tickets.
It is known, Pelni prepared 55 ships to serve the Christmas 2024 and New Year holidays, consisting of 25 passenger ships and 30 pioneer ships.
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