The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) noted customs and excise revenues in 2024 amounting to IDR 300.2 trillion.
This figure increased when compared to the previous period, but still did not reach the 2024 APBN target of IDR 321 trillion.
Director of Communication and Service User Guidance DJBC Nirwala Dwi Heryanto said this year's customs and excise revenues increased from 2023 which was only IDR 286.16 trillion.
However, the number of customs and excise revenues is still low from the 2024 State Budget Law of IDR 321 trillion.
"So, thank God, in 2024, our total revenue will be IDR 300.2 trillion. Based on the Presidential Decree, and the target is based on the Lapsem, which approved our DPR at IDR 296 trillion," he said in Media Briefing, Friday, October 10.
Nirwala detailed that import duty receipts amounted to Rp53 trillion or grew 4.1 percent (yoy), import duties amounted to Rp20.9 trillion or skyrocketed 53.6 percent (yoy), excise revenues from tobacco products amounted to Rp216.9 trillion, an increase of 1.6 percent (yoy), and excise revenues from MMEA and EA amounted to Rp9.2 trillion or grew 13.9 percent (yoy).
In addition, Nirwala said, his party had an Extra Effort to State Revenue from objection rejection of Rp1,071 billion, a correction note worth Rp2,588 billion, an audit of around Rp978 billion, a research of Rp443 billion, a sanction of Rp62 billion, a collection of a bailiff worth Rp43 billion and an ultimum remedium of Rp66 billion.
"Then in addition to the receipt earlier, we also have extra effort, starting from the rejection of the objection. Then also the correction note. Remember that in the law, since the customs and excise law, the heavy point of supervision is at post clearance. Because at the port there is a time pressure, "he said.
"Then also re-research and then also sanctions then the collection of a bailiff and ultimum remedium. If the ultimum remedium is in the Excise Sector, this is actually an alignment with the HPP law," he added.
According to Nirwala, the successful implementation of this reform program involves various parties, including data integration across ministries and institutions.
"Collaboration is the main key to creating a modern, transparent, accountable customs and excise system," he explained.
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