JAKARTA - Atrium fibrillation is a condition when a heart attack (atrium) pulses very quickly and irregularly. This condition increases the risk of blood clots that can result in stroke, and heart failure.

Some of the causes of the FA are electrolyte disorder, thyroid disorders, excessive stress to hypertension. However, in addition, there are other risk factors that cause the FA, namely emotions and personality of a person.

Aritmia expert at Heartology Cardiovascular Hospital, Dr. dr. Dicky Armein Hanafy, Sp.JP(K) said that someone who often feels emotional, the risk of being exposed to the FA is higher. This is shown by a study.

"There is research that shows that emotional factors cause higher arrhythmias with fibrillation," said Doctor Dicky during a media meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.

It is also influenced by personality type or personality type, which is between personality A, B, C, and D. People with personality A are said to have a higher risk of being exposed to the FA.

Quoting from Hire Success, on Friday, January 10, 2025, type A personality is a character characterized by ambitious, organized, perfectionist, and competitive traits. People with this personality type tend to have high emotions, which can affect their heart health.

Studies about personality type, namely A, B, C, and D, show that personality type A is at risk of being exposed to atrium fibrillation. A is a perfectionist, emotional, and so on," he said.

"So personality A is more at risk of being exposed to atrial fibrillation, compared to people who are easy going, who are not stressed, not emotional, not perfectionist," he added.

Thus, Doctor Dicky suggested that people adjust their lifestyle better, especially in terms of emotional for type A personality owners. It is recommended for someone with type A personality to reduce their perfectionist traits and try to be more relaxed in doing various things.

"Therefore, we must also regulate our lifestyle, don't continue to be emotional, don't be a perfectionist. For people with personality type A, just try to be easier to go," concluded Doctor Dicky.

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