JAKARTA - PT Pos Indonesia introduces the special female courier O-Ranger Mawar as the frontline serving consumers in the process of pickup and shipping goods on the PosAja platform!

PT Pos Indonesia Courier and Logistics Business Director Siti Choiriana said the presence of O-Ranger Mawar is expected to be more flexible when entering various consumer segments, such as traditional markets, shopping centers, MSME centers, and others.

According to him, O-Ranger Mawar will also be marketing various PT Pos Indonesia products in an effort to boost the national economy.

"So far, female business actors have dominated, so with the presence of O-Ranger Mawar who is also a woman, it is hoped that more effective communication will be established. This is Pos Indonesia's commitment to establishing better relationships with customers," he said in an official statement as quoted on Monday, September 20.

Siti added, O-Ranger Mawar is part of the company's collaboration with online transportation provider Nusantara Ojek (Nujek). Thus, O-Ranger Mawar will complement the existing O-Ranger human resources, which currently reaches around 5,800 people throughout Indonesia. Of that number, female O-Rangers are only about 5 percent.

“As the name suggests, O-Ranger Mawar is specifically for women who want to join as couriers at PT Pos Indonesia. This will complement our workforce, which has been dominated by men," he said.

To note, PT Pos Indonesia is one of the Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) which is engaged in shipping and logistics services. Established in 1746, the shares of this state-owned company are wholly owned by the Indonesian government.

Now, PT Pos Indonesia does not only serve postal and courier services, but also financial, retail and property services, which is supported by a network of more than 4,000 post offices and 28,000 Postal Agents spread throughout Indonesia.

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