JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Rosan Roeslani visited the State Palace along with two candidates for vice chairman of Kadin for the 2021-2026 period, namely Arsjad Rasjid and Anindya Bakrie. His arrival was to report on the readiness of the VIII Kadin National Deliberation (Munas) which will be held in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi on June 30.

Rosan Roeslani said in a meeting with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the head of state admitted that he was willing to attend the once-every five-yearly event in this employers' organization.

"We went before the President to report on the preparations for the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) on June 30 to 31 in Kendari. God willing, the president said he would be attending in Kendari," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, June 28.

Furthermore, Rosan said that the VIII Kadin National Conference in Kendari would take place by implementing super strict health protocols. Starting from the COVID-19 health test based on antigen swab and PCR, the transportation used, to the seats of the participants.

"We follow the government's rules on how much the percentage is and everything that comes is at the PCR," he said.

At the National Conference, said Rosan, a mass vaccination of 15 thousand people will also be held. Thus, the event held by Kadin was not only to find a general chairman but also to assist the government's national vaccination program. This is intended so that herd immunity can be achieved immediately.

"The event will be held in an open space with very strict health protocols," he said.

Rosan said that no more than 100 people will attend directly with President Joko Widodo at the location.

"The plan (invitation) is 200 people, but separately. So, only 100 people are with the President. The location is open, in the middle of the sea. Preparations have gone well," he said.

As is known, the VIII Kadin National Conference would previously be held in Bali on June 2-4. However, due to Jokowi's administration, the event was postponed considering that the event was close to the 2021 Lebaran holiday, so it was feared that there would be an increase in active cases of COVID-19 in the country.

It was agreed that the VIII Kadin National Conference was postponed until June 30 and will be held in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. The location selection is based on the fact that Kendari is not an area with a red zone status.

"We see that Kendari is not a red zone. So it can be implemented and we follow government regulations," he said.

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