JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) stated that the One Million Houses program in 2021 until the end of May was recorded at 312,290 housing units throughout Indonesia.

"The achievement of the One Million Houses Program until May 2021 was 312,290 units," said Director General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR, Khalawi Abdul Hamid in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, June 28.

Khalawi explained that the achievement consisted of 284,970 housing units for low-income people (MBR) and 27,320 housing units for non-MBR.

In addition, he said, his party is optimistic that this figure will continue to increase because the implementation of housing development and supporting facilities for community housing is still ongoing in the field.

"We remain optimistic that housing development in the One Million Houses Program will continue to increase until the end of the year," he explained.

The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic, he continued, had an impact on the condition of the national economy in Indonesia so that the housing program was expected to continue because the construction of houses in addition to opening up many jobs for the community and cash-intensive programs made the community directly involved in the development process in the field.

He also stated that the construction of houses also encourages the industrial sector to continue to move and turn the wheels of the economy so that it continues to increase. The government also continues to encourage the availability of livable housing so as to help people stay healthy and avoid exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

"A decent house is one of the government's efforts to boost the level of public health during this pandemic," he explained.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Housing, Ministry of PUPR, as of May 31, 2021, the achievements of the One Million Houses Program for housing construction for MBR were recorded at 92,295 units, local government 23,853 units, housing developers 165,471 units and community 3,351 units. While houses for non-MBR were built by developers as many as 18,051 units and 9,269 units for the community.

Previously, the PUPR Ministry wanted more corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds to be channeled into various housing programs for low-income communities.

"We are looking for companies that want to channel their CSR funds to assist the government in housing development programs for the community," said Director of the PUPR Ministry's Housing Implementation System and Strategy Dwityo Akoro Soeranto.

According to the man who is familiarly called Koko, the government cannot implement the housing program alone, but support and assistance from various parties is needed so that the housing program in Indonesia can run well, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

He stated that the Ministry of PUPR continues to encourage the implementation of the One Million Houses Program for the community and it is hoped that many companies in the regions can also maximize the distribution of CSR funds through the housing program.

Currently, said Koko, the government continues to encourage the One Million Houses Program for the community. Through this program, the government hopes that there will be enough decent houses to meet the residential needs of the community.

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