JAKARTA - PT Archi Indonesia Tbk will be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) by conducting an initial public offering (IPO) next week. Archi is one of the entities of Rajawali Corpora, a company owned by conglomerate Peter Sondakh.

Head of the Corporate Valuation Division 1 of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Adi Pratomo Aryanto, in information disclosure, quoted on Wednesday, June 23, said that all requirements for listing the securities of prospective listed companies are as stipulated in Exchange Regulation Number IA concerning the listing of shares and equity securities other than shares issued by listed companies have been met.

"Then the listing of the Company's Securities will be listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on June 28, 2021, using the ARCI code," he said.

For information, Archi Indonesia will hold an initial public offering, aka IPO, with an initial offering price of Rp750-Rp800 per share.

The initial offering period runs from June 22, 2021, to June 24, 2021. Through the IPO, this pure-play gold producer will release a maximum of 3.72 billion new shares or 15 percent of the issued and paid-up capital. full. The final offering price is set at Rp750 per share.

If it is calculated, the fresh funds obtained by Archi Indonesia are at least Rp2.79 trillion from this IPO event. Archi Indonesia has also partnered with PT BNI Sekuritas, PT Citigroup Sekuritas Indonesia, PT Credit Suisse Sekuritas Indonesia, PT Mandiri Sekuritas, and PT UOB Kay Hian Sekuritas as underwriters for the issuance of securities from this corporate action.

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