JAKARTA - Thousands of workers of PT Pan Brothers Tbk (PBRX) at the Boyolali factory, Central Java, held a demonstration ahead of Lebaran 2021. This action was motivated because they received information that their salaries this month will be paid in installments twice. In addition, holiday allowances (THR) are provided in installments.

Deputy President Director of PT Pan Brothers Tbk, Anne Patricia Sutanto spoke up about the demonstration. She did not deny the question of workers' protests regarding the company's move to pay the THR up to eight times. However, she denied that the salary was not paid in installments.

Anne said that currently, the company is facing tight liquidity challenges. The company must share cash flow by paying obligations to banks and suppliers, along with salaries and THR that must be paid to workers.

"Our liquidity is tight. Because the LC facility in the banking sector has decreased by 90 percent, only 10 percent is left. So we have to share with supplier payments. Regarding banking matters, our workers do not understand," she told VOI, Wednesday, May 5.

In the midst of tight liquidity conditions due to the pandemic, Anne said the company had to rack its brains to keep the PBRX business running. Because, if the supplier is not paid on time it will have an impact on production. In addition, the decision to pay THR is in installments to avoid employee layoffs.

"Pan Brothers is able to pay the THR, as long as it is paid in installments, it can't be in full. Later all THR will be paid," she said.

Anne said that currently, management and employees have found the best efforts to solve the problem. After the company explains the problems that occur in the company.

"So the point is that we should be open about banking. Because for our employees, it can be understood, how come Pan Brothers are still paying the THR in stages and we are finally open to all employees. Hopefully, this can be understood by all of them," she said.

Previously, when the demonstration took place, the workers were originally only within the scope of the company. Later, however, they clustered on the company's front street. They continue to voice demands for the April 2021 salary payment which must be received by the beginning of this May. The workers also reportedly burned t-shirts and uniforms.

This information was revealed in a viral video uploaded on Youtube with a short duration of about 0.33 seconds which contained the boisterous masses of workers who attacked the textile company factory.

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