JAKARTA - A Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) was reported to have preyed on the livestock of residents in Pekon (Village) Way Basoh, West Coast Regency, Lampung.
The Head of Public Relations of the West Coast Police, Ipda Kasiyono, when contacted, confirmed that his party received a report regarding the presence of a cow belonging to a resident who fell prey to a tiger.
"Yes, that's right, last night there was a cow belonging to a resident that was eaten by a Sumatran tiger roaming the West Coast," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 18.
His party responded quickly by holding a meeting with the Joint Wildlife Handling Task Force Team to discuss strategic steps related to the threat of the Sumatran Tigers which again disturbed the community.
"The meeting which took place at Pelita Jaya Pekon Hall, Pesisir Selatan District, West Coast Regency focuses on adding and transferring tiger traps to a new location in Way Basoh, the area that is the latest point of conflict between humans and wildlife," he said.
According to him, the decision was taken following the incident of a tiger attacking a resident's cow in Way Basoh.
He explained that the incident increased public anxiety, especially for residents who live and garden around the area.
"As an anticipatory measure, the team decided to move the trap cage to a strategic location to catch tigers without endangering the community or other animals," he said.
He said his party continues to provide education to residents to reduce activities in vulnerable areas. Residents are asked not to cross the location of the trap installation and stop gardening activities after 16.00 WIB to avoid direct contact with the Sumatran Tigers.
"We urge the public to remain vigilant, obey directions and immediately report any signs of tigers around their homes. This handling must run carefully so as not to endanger protected animals or the community," said Kasiyono.
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