JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament Eva Yuliana regrets the actions of the Kimia Farma Rapid Antigen Laboratory officers at Kualanamu International Airport, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, who are strongly suspected of having falsified the results of the antigen rapid test (used rapid antigen) for the prospective passengers.

"I highly appreciate the members of the North Sumatra Police's Special Criminal Directorate (Dirkrimsus) who revealed the alleged case of falsification of the results of the rapid antigen examination at Kualanamu Airport", said Eva Yuliana who is also a member of the Nasdem Party faction of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), in her statement, quoted from Antara, Friday, April 30th.

According to Eva, the issue of COVID-19 cannot be played around like that. The perpetrators had committed an extraordinary crime.

Based on information received by Eva Yuliana, members of the North Sumatra Regional Police's Dirkrimsus secured as many as four Kimia Farma officers at the Rapid Antigen Laboratory on the M Floor of Kualanamu International Airport (KNIA). The four officers were arrested on suspicion of a case of alleged falsification of the antigen rapid test results of prospective passengers at Kualanamu International Airport.

The investigation and disclosure of the case were triggered by the many complaints from prospective aircraft passengers who found the antigen rapid test results tested positive for COVID-19. The positive antigen rapid test results were consecutively occurring within the last week or so.

"This case was first revealed starting with the disguise of one of the North Sumatra Regional Police's Dirkrimsus officers, who pretended to be a prospective airplane passenger and joined in line for the antigen rapid test results. Based on the examination, the Criminal Investigation Officer found hundreds of rapid antigen kits that turned out to be used and recycled", said Eva.

This was also known and acknowledged by the perpetrators. In fact, the equipment used for sampling was washed and cleaned again. Then, put it in the packaging package to be used for the next examination.

Eva emphasized that what the Kimia Farma Laboratory officers did was very offensive to public confidence. Eva admitted that she couldn't stop thinking about the actions of the perpetrators. At a time when many parties are struggling to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in such a way, they are even taking chances in a tight spot.

"Do they not think the impact on prospective aircraft passengers, when the results of the COVID-19 examination, do not match the reality, huh? Then, what about the wider impact on the level of public confidence in the results of other COVID-19 examinations as well?", said Eva.

Eva expressed her highest appreciation and deep gratitude to the officers of the North Sumatra Regional Police's Dirkrimsus, who succeeded in uncovering cases of suspected misuse and/or falsification of the results of the antigen rapid test at Kualanamu International Airport. Thanks to the foresight and persistence of the criminal officers, this relatively rare case which is classified as an extraordinary crime can finally be revealed.

Previously, State-owned enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir strongly condemned and took firm action against unscrupulous Kimia Farma officers who used recycled equipment in the rapid test or Antigen Rapid Test at Kualanamu airport, North Sumatra.

"I myself asked all those related, know, and those who did it to be dismissed and strictly prosecuted", said Erick, Thursday, April 29.

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