JAKARTA - The National Economic Council (DEN) presented the results of an in-depth study related to the positive impact of the free nutritious eating program (MBG) which was only carried out in early 2025.

Member of the DEN Poverty Expert, Arief Anshory Yusuf, said that this program has the potential to absorb up to 1.9 million workers. He conveyed this when giving a press statement at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 19.

"We from the DEN convey a study on the potential impact of MBG on employment and poverty. So basically, this program (MBG) is very good in the context of pro jobs. So creating new jobs is up to 1.9 million," he said, quoted from the Presidential Secretariat Youtube channel.

In addition, the program initiated by President Prabowo Subianto is also considered capable of reducing poverty. Because according to Arief, the value of benefits received from this free nutritious meal is much greater than other social assistance programs.

"Then, pro-poor, poverty can be reduced to 5.8 percent, inequality will also be greatly reduced. Friends (media) just imagine, if your family has three children, that's Rp. 600,000 per month from MBG. PKH alone is around Rp. 200,000, BPNT alone has Rp. 200,000," he explained.

Furthermore, the DEN proposed a number of steps to strengthen the implementation of MBG. Starting from conducting business processes reviews, routine audits by BPKP, to involving the community in supervision so that supply chains are maintained and there are no leaks.

"But once again the point is, let's take care of this together, because this is our flagship, the flagship of this nation," said Arief.

Previously, at the National Police SPPG Launching event in South Jakarta, the Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN), Dadan Hindayana, targeted 82.9 million beneficiaries of free nutritious food by the end of this year. Currently, around 1,000 units of the Nutrition Fulfillment Service Unit (SPPG) have been mentioned.

"Now it has entered approximately 1,000 SPPGs. Currently, the SPPG service has reached around 3 million beneficiaries, and the target at the end of the year can reach 82.9 million," he said.

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