JAKARTA - Head of the Employment Division of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) Bob Azam assessed that restrictions on the operation of goods transportation for two weeks during the Lebaran 2025 holiday would make the Indonesian economy more complicated.

The reason, according to Bob, is that when the restrictions on goods are carried out for too long, it is feared that it will interfere with logistics and increase the price of food and drinks.

"Do not let them be banned for two weeks, it will affect logistics, food, drinks and various things. That, right, makes our economy more complicated," said Bob to reporters in the Tebet area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 19.

Bob said the contents of the freight transport were not only to meet domestic needs, but some were exported.

"Once again we hope that a wise (wise) policy will be made. Those who think not only for Eid, but for wider policies," said Bob.

"How can the economy be maintained, the industry is maintained. Right, there are also many exports. Don't let our exports be disrupted, our foreign exchange is also disrupted," he continued.

He assessed that the increase in Indonesia's manufacturing PMI so far has been influenced by the momentum of fasting and Eid. According to Bob, one of the boosting industries is food and drinks (Mamin), supported by logistics.

"Our PMI has increased, right, it helps a lot because there is fasting and Eid. There is consumption, right, it is actually supported by good logistics. But if for example it is complicated, we are worried that it will have a negative impact on the economy, you know," said Bob.

Furthermore, Bob said, the ideal time that can be applied for operational restrictions on goods transportation is D-3 Lebaran and D+3 Lebaran.

"Don't overdo it, maybe in our opinion, like the previous one (last year) namely D-3 and D+3 Lebaran," he concluded.

To note, in order to regulate the operation of goods transportation during the 1416H/2025 Eid transportation period, the government has issued a SKB involving three agencies.

The regulation is contained in the Decree of the Director General of Land Transportation Number: KP-DRJD 1099 of 2025, Director General of Sea Transportation Number: HK.201/4/DJPL/2025, Head of the Traffic Corps of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number: Kep/50/III/2025, and Director General of Highways Number: 05/PKS/Db/2025 concerning Road Traffic Regulation and Crossing During the Eid Al-Fitr and Balik Transport Period of 2025/1446 H.

The issuance of the SKB is carried out to ensure the smooth running of Eid 2025 transportation.

The arrangements are made through operational restrictions on freight transport, namely restrictions on goods transport vehicles on goods cars with three or more axes, goods cars with attached trains, trailers, and goods cars carrying excavated goods, mining, as well as building materials.

Restrictions are imposed on toll roads and non-toll roads starting Monday, March 24, 2025 at 00.00 WIB until Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 24.00 WIB.

A number of toll roads that will implement restrictions on goods transportation are located in Lampung and South Sumatra Provinces, DKI Jakarta 'Banten, DKI Jakarta, DKI Jakarta and West Java, West Java, West Java' Central Java, Central Java and East Java.

Meanwhile, non-toll roads that will implement restrictions on goods transportation are located in the Provinces of North Sumatra, Jambi and West Sumatra, Jambi South Sumatra Village, DKI Jakarta Banten, DKI Jakarta West Java "Bekasi'CikampekCirebon, West Java, West Java Cirebon Central Java Brebes, Central Java, Central Java Java East Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali and Central Kalimantan.

Meanwhile, vehicles transporting fuel or BBG, sending money, animals and animal feed, fertilizers, handling natural disasters, motorbikes going home and back for free as well as basic goods can still operate and are excluded from these restrictions with a cargo letter of type of goods.

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