JAKARTA - Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Maman Abdurrahman revealed that as many as 69.5 percent of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the country have not yet received access to financing in banks.
Based on the records of the Ministry of MSMEs, there are 30,178,617 MSME business units throughout Indonesia consisting of 99.71 percent of micro-enterprises, 0.24 percent of small business units and 0.05 percent of medium-sized business units.
"We from the Ministry of MSMEs want to convey the challenges in access financing, including three things, namely that MSMEs have not yet obtained credit access of around 69 percent based on OJK 2023 data," he said at a Working Meeting with Commission VII DPR RI, Tuesday, March 18.
Maman added that the next challenge faced was the MSME credit ratio which was recorded at 20.3 percent based on SSKI BI 2024.
In fact, he continued, his ministry is targeting the MSME credit ratio of 30 percent.
"This means that our target, which initially targeted approximately 30 percent, is that we have not been able to achieve the target," continued Maman.
The third challenge faced is the high Non Performance Loan (NPL) or MSME bad credit which touched 4.02 percent
"Regarding NPL, of course, both understand because it is not easy to manage the technical financing of micro-enterprises. Therefore, the 4 percent figure on the one hand is still said to be below the OJK target, but on the other hand it is quite high," said Maman.
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