JAKARTA - STAYC continued their musical journey with their fifth single for their album titled [S]! This comeback is BEBE, which features a firm transformation of the group's distinctive charming energy towards more oxygen.
Through its latest release, the STAYC comes with their dedication to interacting deeply with their fans. Played by a theme, [S] serves as a bridge to connect these girl groups with diverse audiences, summarizing the idea of Sensual, Sophisticated, Self-esteem.
BEBE is a twisty house-style song featuring a melodious rhythm, accompanied by a catchy music video, reflecting this new direction by blending striking visuals and bold typography.
Don't worry be a bebe conveys a strong message against stereotypes and embraces their true identity, inviting fans to explore the essence of authenticity, surpassing what others are forced to do.
DIAMOND is a contemporary R&B song combined with Afro's rhythm, featuring stunning STAYC vocals. This song emits optimism, encourages listeners to release fear of what lies ahead and look forward to a future that will shine like a diamond.
'PIPE DOWN' is an R&B pop song featuring a brass catchy sound, with a stronger vocal style and previously unshown by STAYC. With a touch of humor on the idea of mute button, this song reflects the bold attitude of this group and reinforces their commitment to rediscovering their musical identity.
Building the dynamic energy of [S], STAYC is poised to bring that momentum to the live stage. Their ticket sales are unquestionable - like on the 2025 world tour, STAY TUNED, which made its impressive debut in Seoul with both concert dates sold out in no time after ticket sales opened on March 14. Previously, the group had made a splash with stunning and dreamy posters, captivated global audiences and reaffirmed their international influence.
Fans who have enjoyed their previous world tour, TEENFRESH, which lasted six months in 15 cities, are looking forward to a more vibrant performance. Concerts in Seoul are set to feature beloved hits including SO BAD, ASAP, Teddy Bear, Bubble, Cheeky Icy Thang, and GPT, next to new songs from [S].
The STAY TUNED Seoul concert promises an unforgettable experience, marking the official start of the 2025 STAYC world tour at the Olympic Hall at Olympic Park, Seoul on April 12 and 13.
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