JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo ensured that the construction of a giant sea wall on the north coast of Java would continue.
The sustainability of this megaproject is needed, said Minister Dody, to anticipate the impact of land subsidence and reduce the risk of flooding in the Jakarta area and its surroundings.
"We have completed the construction of the north coast safety embankment of Jakarta Phase A along 12.66 km. In 2020, development will be continued with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government with an additional length of 33.54 km," said Dody at the Coordination Meeting for the Development of the Giant Sea Embankment in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 20.
Dody said the Ministry of Public Works had been working with the Netherlands and South Korea since 2016 for a study of the construction of sea embankments ranging from Cilegon to Gresik with a long projection of 946 km.
For the next stage, namely the construction of the Phase B sea embankment, said Dody, his party is conducting a study related to financing and feasibility study taking into account whether the design of the embankment will refer to the Integrated Flood Safety Plan Giant Sea Wall Phase B Jakarta which was prepared by the Ministry of Public Works in 2020 or using a 2016 Masterplan from the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.
In addition to the Jakarta area, sea embankments are also being built in the Central Java region in an integrated manner with the construction of the Semarang-Demak toll road and the Semarang Harbour toll road.
Dody emphasized that the concept of flood control implemented by the Ministry of Public Works is integrated and integrated with the program to provide clean water through the Karian Dam and Jatiluhur Dam as well as improving water quality by processing waste at the mouth of the river through the construction of the Jakarta Sewerage System.
"Flood control must be balanced with the provision of clean water so that people no longer use groundwater to prevent land subsidence which is one of the main causes of flood vulnerability in Jakarta," he said.
The government has included a giant sea embankment project as a National Strategic Program (PSN) for 2025.
On the same occasion, the Coordinating Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Development (IPK) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) emphasized the importance of a systematic approach and cross-party cooperation for flood management and protection of coastal areas.
"Flood development must be carried out in an integrated manner from upstream to downstream. We will ensure that all relevant parties discuss together the design, financing scheme, and the best cooperation so that this project can be realized immediately," said Coordinating Minister AHY.
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