JAKARTA - The Minister of Public Works (PU), Dody Hanggodo, said that budget efficiency should not hinder the performance of national road preservation.

He said this when he visited a number of national roads in East Java as part of preparations for the 2025 Eid homecoming flow, on Saturday, March 15, 2025.

"Do work efficiently, but maintain the quality of implementation. Look for innovations in financing schemes to help maintain the stability of national roads, for example through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)," he said in a written statement.

He also checked the condition of infrastructure on the main Jombang-Mojokerto-Surabaya route, including Jalan Mastrip in Jombang, which is one of the priority improvement points.

Currently, minor rehabilitation work is being carried out on Jalan Mastrip Jombang with a length of 1.7 kilometers (km) of a total length of 2 km.

As of March 14, 2025, repairs to potholes on the East Java national road section had reached 11,775 points out of a total of 11,868 identified points.

The remaining 93 points are still in the process of being repaired and are targeted for completion on D-10 Lebaran.

On that occasion, the Head of BBPJN East Java-Bali, Gunadi Antariksa, explained that in several improvements he received support from the CSR program as an acceleration step amidst budget constraints.

In addition, there is support from local governments and private companies in this prestigious work, including the Gresik Regency PUTR Service, PT Petrokimia Gresik, and PT Punakawan, which contributed 10 tons of Cold Paving Hot Mix (CPHM) material.

"Through various efforts to accelerate road repairs carried out by BBPJN East Java-Bali, it is hoped that national routes in East Java are ready to be used optimally during the 2025 Eid homecoming flow," said Gunadi.

Overall, the length of the national road across the north in East Java reached 227.52 km, while the national mid-cross road stretches along 97.04 km.

With ongoing improvement efforts, it is hoped that the homecoming route in East Java will be ready to serve the community in better and safer conditions.

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