JAKARTA - Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) Maruarar Sirait (Ara) revealed that the concept of the Lippo Group home design is suitable for subsidized houses for low-income people (MBR).
Ara requested that the design of the Lippo Group house can be used as an example for subsidized house developers who want to build housing on limited land but have attractive designs.
"So permission, I am now the government so that the interests of the state and the people are number one. So if these designs are good, I may use them for low-income people," he said in Legok, Tangerang Regency on Saturday.
The question raised by the Minister of PKP was answered directly by Lippo Group CEO James Riady. According to him, the housing development program is very important to help improve people's welfare.
"Very allowed! We are amazed by President Prabowo's desire, to advance the nation, to make the nation a success through that no one is below the poverty line and this big program is a housing program," said James Riady.
According to Ara, with the design of an attractive house on a limited land and a well-organized residential area, it is hoped that it will be able to become a comfortable residence for people including low-income people (MBR).
For information, the Coordinating Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) wants Indonesians to have decent and healthy housing so that they are of higher quality of life.
According to him, the 3 Million House Program is a joint struggle to build a house for the people so that it requires synergy and collaboration from all parties.
Collaboration is also needed in providing land for the construction of people's houses as well as housing financing that relieves the community.
He also said that efforts to build a house for the people are a struggle that must be achieved with the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation from all relevant stakeholders.
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