JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Budi Santoso said the basic food price at Pasar Jaya Ciracas, East Jakarta, was monitored to be stable and there were a number of commodities below the highest retail price (HET), which had been determined by the government.

"So, today we went to Ciracas Market, we saw earlier together with all of our friends, the price (food) was relatively stable," said the Trade Minister after conducting a review of food prices at Jaya Ciracas Market, East Jakarta, Saturday, March 15.

The Trade Minister conveyed that the review was carried out to ensure price stability and the availability of foodstuffs during Ramadan to Eid.

One of the commodities monitored is broiler eggs, which costs Rp. 28,000 per kilogram, lower than the government's reference price of Rp. 30,000 per kilogram.

In addition, the price of rice at Ciracas Market is also monitored to be stable, at a price of Rp. 12,000 per kilogram of medium rice, lower than the reference price of Rp. 12,500 per kilogram.

The price of broiler meat in the market is also very affordable, namely Rp. 26,000 per kilogram, much cheaper than the government's reference price of Rp. 40,000 per kilogram.

The price of beef at Ciracas Market was recorded at IDR 140,000 per kilogram, which is in accordance with the government's reference price and is relatively stable in this period.

Meanwhile, the price of Oilita was recorded at IDR 16,000 per liter, slightly higher than the reference price of IDR 15,700 per liter, but still in a reasonable and affordable range.

The Trade Minister emphasized that the availability of food ahead of Eid is also ensured to be well maintained, with sufficient supplies to meet the needs of the community, especially in the East Jakarta area.

The review of prices and food stocks is part of the government's efforts to maintain price stability and the availability of staple food throughout Indonesia, especially ahead of the Eid period.

The Minister of Trade also expressed his gratitude to the suppliers who have complied with the provisions and rules in the distribution of food in the market,

He also appreciated the participation of the Food Task Force and related agencies that continue to maintain food supply and monitor prices so that they are maintained throughout Indonesia.

The government is committed to continuing to monitor food prices regularly to ensure that people can get basic needs at reasonable and affordable prices.

"So, we will continue to control regularly (food) prices throughout Indonesia so that supplies are guaranteed, then prices are also stable," said the Trade Minister.

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