JAKARTA The National Food Agency (Bapanas) is ready to use the National Socio-Economic Integrated Data (DTSEN) as a database for the distribution of food aid for alleviation and the elimination of extreme poverty.

This was conveyed by the Deputy for Diversity and Food Safety, Andriko Noto Susanto, after attending a ministerial meeting in Jakarta, on Friday, March 14, 2025.

"We recognize that the problem of extreme poverty and poverty is very complex and multidimensional."

"Therefore, the National Food Agency does not only focus on providing food, but also on increasing accessibility and utilization of nutritious food, by ensuring the accuracy of the target through the use of DTSEN, including strengthening rice food assistance programs as adaptive social protection," he said as quoted in his statement.

Andriko said food is a basic human need that has an important role in poverty alleviation.

Therefore, Bapanas will continue to strengthen the government's food reserves (CPP) to maintain supply stability and food prices, eradicate vulnerable food-prone areas, and to support targeted food aid programs based on DTSEN.

His party seeks to ensure the availability, affordability, and adequate food utilization, diverse, balanced, and safe nutrition for the entire community, especially for vulnerable groups who are registered.

In addition, Bapanas also collaborates with various parties, including local governments, SOEs, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector, to strengthen poverty alleviation efforts by ensuring data synchronization with DTSEN.

"We believe that with strong cooperation from all parties, and with accurate use of DTSEN data, as well as strengthening rice food assistance programs as adaptive social protection, we can achieve the Government's target to eradicate poverty and eliminate extreme poverty in Indonesia, and realize food sovereignty according to President Prabowo Subianto's vision," said Andriko.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment, Muhaimin Iskandar, as the chair of the meeting said that the important aspect that needs to be prioritized in poverty reduction is the consolidation of all forms of assistance and subsidies so that the distribution is right on target, effective, and efficient.

"Waiting for the road Presidential Instruction, we can do our best to eradicate poverty."

"Of course, this noble important effort really requires the presence and seriousness of all Ministries/Institutions in using all the potential and capabilities of each Ministry/Institution to synergize so that we are all really effective in managing development targets which are our respective responsibilities," said Muhaimin.

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