JAKARTA - The Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) is projected to continue strengthening in today's trading, Thursday, March 13. In his research, Phintraco Sekuritas said that the strengthening of the JCI would be supported by potential dividends that encourage market interest.
Phintraco Sekuritas explained that the JCI today has the opportunity to close the gap to 6,750. Technically, the JCI formed a whitemarubozu with a cover above the MA20 on Wednesday. The positive slope of MACD went wide, when the RSI Stochastic was in the overbought area.
"There are indications that loss of momentum and strengthening can continue in the JCI trading today," wrote Phintraco Sekuritas.
Phintraco Sekuritas said the BBCA announced a dividend plan with an estimated yield of 2.8 percent based on Tuesday's closing price, March 11. Apart from BBCA, the anticipation of dividends also encourages the strengthening of the majority of other big cap bank shares.
This condition, continued Phintraco Sekuritas, is expected to continue until the third week of March 2025 along with the AGMS period, one of which is the dividend for the 2024 financial year.
Phintraco Sekuritas added that other IDXHIDIV20 constituents, such as TLKM, ANTM, INDF and PGAS, also strengthened significantly on Wednesday. The issue of dividends is likely to be the main support for the JCI.
"Especially the JCI support from a series of external negative sentiments related to the uncertainty of the FOMC rate policy for the next few weeks," said Phintraco Sekuritas.
Phintraco Sekuritas recommends five shares for today, namely BBCA, BBRI, PGAS, TLKM, and ASII.
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