JAKARTA - The Ministry of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) revealed that environmentally friendly housing development provides added comfort to its residents, especially for the health aspect.

Director General of Settlement Areas of the Ministry of PKP Fitrah Nur told subsidized house developers who have green building certificates, the government provides assistance for Public Infrastructure, Facilities and Utilities (PSU) with more portions as long as the budget is available.

"We have recommended it because we will make regulations that as long as subsidized houses have a green building certificate, they can get more than 50 percent PSU assistance as long as the budget is available as has been running," said Fitrah Nur in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 29.

The Ministry of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) encourages subsidized housing developers to have a green, environmentally friendly building certificate.

Fitrah Nur also conveyed to subsidized housing developers to maintain the quality of the houses and facilities built.

"It must be maintained because of the comfort of consumers who have given homes, especially since the first house is a must, so that comfort is what we hope can be found by consumers who have purchased subsidized houses," he said.

For information, the Ministry of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) revealed that the 3 Million Houses Program needs to pay attention to waste management.

The Director General of Rural Housing of the Ministry of PKP Imran stated that the implementation of the construction of the 3 Million Houses Program also needs to pay attention to household domestic waste management.

In addition to being able to make a clean and healthy residential environment, good waste management is able to improve welfare and build a good living culture.

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