JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) will submit a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding agricultural management, which is currently still running, respectively.

"We are submitting the Presidential Decree in the future so that the management of the agricultural sector is more organized," said Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Sudaryono quoting Antara.

He said that currently the mechanism for providing fertilizers, including subsidized fertilizers, namely Pupuk Indonesia, which is under the Ministry of SOEs, the sale of fertilizers is regulated by the Ministry of Trade, and when harvesting is under the Ministry of Agriculture and Bulog which is under BUMN.

"In this case, we cannot order Bulog. We can only appeal, we are tired too," he said.

In the future, his party wants a Presidential Decree so that management can be better. This Presidential Regulation will involve several government ministries/agencies in charge of agriculture, there are Pupuk Indonesia, the Ministry of Trade, Bulog and the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Everything is still there but the head of the Mentan class. The important thing is to achieve the goal of this large family of agricultural agencies, one of which is to improve the welfare of farmers," he said.

He said the Presidential Decree was proposed for the benefit of the big celebration of farmers in Indonesia in increasing agricultural productivity.

Meanwhile, he said, it was important to do one of them to ensure that the distribution of fertilizers went well.

According to him, fertilizer producers have a big responsibility, one of which is to ensure that fertilizers reach farmers at prices in accordance with government regulations.

"Next year, apart from seeing the benefits, the benefits are also seen, the distribution is good or not, there are problems in farmers or not, once given fertilizer in this village, the productivity increases or not, the obstacles and so on," he said.

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