JAKARTA - The design of the Garuda Palace, the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) is designed differently and has nothing in common to show authority, not lead to a mystical aura.

This was stated by the designer or designer of the building, Nyoman Nuarta.

"So if it becomes a mystical aura and all kinds of things, it's up to each, but we make it certainly the Palace is to be authoritative, we need that authority," said Nyoman quoting Antara.

He emphasized that people should not think that building an Palace is like building houses or buildings that have similarities with others. The construction of the Palace must draw the characteristics of the nation itself.

"Don't think of it like a house because of the prestige of the colonial era. We must build this palace ourselves with our own characteristics," he said.

He emphasized that as the person who became the basic designer of the Palace, he did not want any similarity of that.

"We are building the name of the Palace, it's different from other houses, hotel buildings, including existing buildings, I don't want to," he said.

He also explained the color that looks or looks dark from the Palace. From the front is yellowish which will turn green, it depends on nature.

"Our natural humidity is that he slowly oxidizes to change to blue and blue toska," he explained.

Then, continued Nyoman, the frame behind the perforated. Forated is a perforated plate made of weather-resistant steel. He emphasized that the color was able to last for hundreds of years.

"Well, first, he was reddish, depending on the weather, it was raining, then he was getting darker for a long time. And it has been proven that hundreds of years old," said Nyoman.

He gave an example, for example, bridges in America, especially those in Newyoric. Often have a similar color to that used for residents of the Garuda IKN Palace.

"If people see all kinds of darkness, it's difficult for those who usually see gold burning, I don't want to be like that," said Nyoman.

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