JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that VVIP Airport in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) which is currently being built will change its name.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR, Endra S Atmawidjaja, revealed that the name change was intended to remove the impression of exclusivity of infrastructure facilities.

"What is clear is that the name is not VVIP Airport. Like yesterday the Presidential Office changed its name to the Garuda Palace. VVIP Airport is not intended for an exclusive airport, but it is the airport closest to IKN," said Endra when met in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, July 31.

Endra said that later a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) would appear which would regulate the name and function change of VVIP Airport at IKN.

Even so, he continued, until now there has been no special discussion regarding the new name of the airport at IKN.

However, several options have emerged, ranging from Nusantara Airport to IKN Airport.

"Yes, it can be Nusantara Airport, IKN Airport. The exact name does not yet exist, but what is clear is not intended for VVIP," he said.

The name VVIP Airport has been included in Presidential Decree number 31 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of Construction and Operation of Very Very Important Airport Persons (VVIP).

In the regulation, it is explained that the airport will initially be used only to serve the interests of the government at IKN.

Construction of VVIP Airport located in Penajam District, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province was carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) together with the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

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