JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and the Indonesia Port Editors' Club (IPEC) encourage the realization of national distribution efficiency and logistics traffic, thereby improving the country's economy.

"The discussion held by IPEC is an interactive solution to identify problems with the smooth flow of goods, so that effective and efficient logistics services are realized," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Services and Port Services of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation I Komang Wisnu Dananjaya, in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, July 2.

Komang officially opened a discussion activity with the theme 'Realizing National Logistics Efficiency' held by the Indonesia Port Editors' Club (IPEC), in Jakarta.

He conveyed, for logistics, efficiency and transportation business actors, it has always been the number one concern. Therefore, business actors require simple interaction and integration.

According to him, this is a common challenge for stakeholders and urgently requires support and collaboration in government logistics platforms, which are integrated into an efficient system.

Komang explained that the spirit of efficiency and effectiveness is in line with government policies that will actively regulate efficiency strategies through the National Logistics Ecosystem (NLE).

This is because, said Komang, through NLE, it is hoped that it can harmonize the flow of goods traffic and international documents from the arrival, means of transportation, to goods arriving at warehouses, including licensing and completion of delivery documents which are integrated into one'single submission' convenience system.

He said the collaboration of government and private logistics platforms integrated in single submissions was in line with the spirit of the Directorate General of Hubla of the Ministry of Transportation.

"That's why the Directorate General of Hubla (Directorate General of Sea Transportation) of the Ministry of Transportation continues to follow the current developments of the times through digitization, one of which is the process of serving ships and goods through an inaportnet system," he also said.

Komang further said that to facilitate access to logistics services, collaboration of government systems, especially at ports, the National Single Window Institute has developed a collaboration application system called the Transport Single Submission System or the Transport SSm.

"SSm Pengkut is currently being tested at 46 ports," said Komang.

The head of the Asia Pacific Regional FIATA, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi, said that the discussion on the theme of 'Realizing National Logistics Efficiency' held by IPEC encourages it to begin to perceive that national logistics performance is now better.

"Now that we are starting to discuss what is good, I believe (we will see the next two months) I am optimistic that investment will also enter Indonesia more," said Yukki.

Yukki emphasized that Indonesia should not be influenced by the World Bank or World Bank assessment last year which released the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) Indonesia at 63 with a score of 3.0, in 2023.

Even the national logistics costs are considered by the World Bank that year to be still relatively high, namely 14.29 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

"We should not be influenced by the World Bank's assessment, that's just perception. Let's talk about this national logistics in the future," said Yukki. To boost the LPI, Yukki assessed that collaboration between stakeholders is needed, strengthening connectivity and transportation as well as infrastructure, including technology and information closely related to logistics performance. "Logistical costs are determined from movement and volume increases," said Yukkki.

IPEC is a journalist forum that provides coverage in the port, shipping, transportation and logistics sectors, wanting to make a positive contribution through the discussion forum.

Chairman of the DPP Indonesian Logistics and Forwarder Association (ALFI) Akbar Djohan said that there needs to be an institution that handles issues specifically on logistics issues.

"There needs to be an institution or maybe a ministry that takes care of logistics," he also said.

Practitioner Shipping Asmari Heri said that now is the time for Indonesia to echo that this national logistics is better than other countries in the world.

"If other ports abroad during COVID-19 occur congestically, while in Indonesian ports there is never a congestion," he said.

President Director of Pelindo Solusi Logistics Subholding (SPSL) Joko Noerhudha said that his party would arrange cargo at the port according to its specifications to realize national logistics efficiency.

The discussion also presented the Deputy Chairperson of the DPP Indonesian Truck Entrepreneurs Association (Aptrindo) Tata Djuarsa, and the Secretary General of the DPP APBMI AJD Korompis.

In addition, stakeholders and user associations and providers of port, shipping, as well as transportation and logistics services were also attended.

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