YOGYAKARTA Business opportunities for chicken egg distributors are one of the best choices right now, because the price has experienced positive fluctuations. On the other hand, the level of need for chicken eggs has also continued to increase, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Interested in trying this line of business? Let's look at the tips for becoming the following chicken egg distributor.

For information, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), chicken egg production for the period 2021-2023 reached 6.12 million tons. Meanwhile, the consumption needs are 5.88 million tons.

According to data from the National Food Agency (Bapanas), the consumption rate of Indonesian chicken eggs in 2023 will reach 6.69 kilograms per capita in a year.

This figure is down 5.5 percent compared to YoY (year-on-year), but still higher than five years ago.

Compiled from various sources, Tuesday, June 25, 2024, there are various tips that you can do to become an agent or distributor of chicken eggs.

The following are some tips for being a chicken egg distributor so that it can run smoothly.

1. Prepare a place to sell

You can do chicken egg distributor business at home, but if there is lebij capital, you can try renting a special place for business activities.

If you have a special place to sell chicken eggs, you can be more flexible in compiling stock, determining the sales position and so on without having to think about space availability with household furniture.

A suitable place to be used as a place for business is a market or shophouse which is located close to housing or densely populated areas.

2. Determine the type of chicken egg to be sold

The second tip is choosing the type of chicken egg to be sold. There are various kinds of chicken eggs in the market, including:

Before determining the type of egg, you need to relax the type of chicken egg most in demand by consumer targets. Next, find out how to store and care for the type of chicken egg you choose to maintain in order to maintain its quality.

3. Choose a trusted chicken egg supplier

In providing a chicken egg distributor business, make sure you choose a trusted chicken egg supplier and smooth business operations.

Good egg suppliers are those that supply their eggs from their own cages or livestock. That way, you can get more affordable chicken eggs and the quality is guaranteed to be good.

You can also look for several other egg suppliers, as long as the suppliers have good egg quality.

Having more than one supplier can minimize the shortage of stock from one of the egg suppliers.

4. Susun system penjualan

In addition to choosing a trusted supplier, you must also determine the sales system for chicken eggs.

Related to this, you can choose a retail system or party system. With the party system, it means that you sell eggs in one basket and the price that is offered is the price of a grist.

5. Set the selling price of eggs

Tips for being the last chicken egg distributor is to set the selling price of eggs. Chicken egg agents usually have a different market price range. Thus, you can use a new strategy by providing a more affordable price at a price difference of one thousand rupiahs.

It should be underlined, if you sell chicken eggs at a more affordable price, you must be good at managing profits so as not to suffer losses.

The capital needed to be a distributor of chicken eggs is not large, with only Rp. 500,000-Rp. 1,000,000, you can become an egg agent.

Generally, the price of eggs sold in one container contains 10kg of around Rp340,000. The remaining you have can be used to buy scales and plastic bags.

If the capital you have is more than that, you can join the franchise of one of the big egg distributors whose selling price competes and is more stable.

This is information about tips on being a chicken egg distributor. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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