JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir said that the implementation of the Pertamina Grand Prix of the Indonesian-MotoGP 2024 and the ARRC event was not only a world-class motorcycle racing event but also an opportunity for Sport Tourism in Indonesia.

In recent years, continued Erick, the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit has proven to be able to improve Indonesia's Nation Branding at the international level and contribute to improving Indonesia's name in the eyes of the world.

"We have the opportunity to attract world attention as well as provide maximum benefits for the community and the local economy, as well as strengthen the position of The Mandalika as The Ultimate Lifestyle Sporttainment Destination," he said at the Media Briefing Asia Road Racing Championship (ARRC) 2024 & Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia-IndonesianGP (MotoGP 2024), at the Danareksa Tower, Jakarta, Friday, June 21.

"I am optimistic that ARRC and Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesian-MotoGP, not only motorcycle racing, but also a golden opportunity to promote Indonesia, especially The Mandalika, as world-class sportsainment destinations," continued Erick.

Furthermore, Erick said, the Ministry of SOEs fully supports international events held at the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit.

"Good synergy between all parties will ensure that the ARRC and Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesian-MotoGP 2024 events run smoothly and provide a different sensation for visitors and racers," he said.

Meanwhile, InJourney President Director Dony Oskaria said that this year, InJourney together with relevant stakeholders are committed to improving the quality of the event.

"The holding of the ARRC and Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesian-MotoGP 2024 is very important in order to show Indonesia's commitment to creating sustainable tourism or sustainability tourism. Trust from international and government must be maintained as evidence of the contribution of SOEs to the nation and state, for that the success of the event is our top priority," said Dony.

For your information, Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit, The Mandalika, Kab. Central Lombok, NTB will again host the Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesian-MotoGP 2024, the third time on September 27 to 28, 2024, and the Asia Road Racing Championship (ARRC) on July 26 to 28, 2024 for the second time.

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