JAKARTA - A number of logistics service companies admit that their cooperation with eCommerce has been going very well. Online shopping, which has become a public trend in recent years, has helped the logistics or expedition business.

Delivery of goods that used to be conventional, now inevitably integrated with technology. And it is undeniable, eCommerce that encourages logistics companies in the country is also adapted in line with the times.

"Since we stood as quite the youngest (logistics) express players, compared to other express friends, it has also grown to see the growth of the marketplace as one of the main goals of why Anteraja will immediately do business and build the express industry in the marketplace," said CEO of Anteraja Handy Wijaya to reporters, in Jakarta recently, quoted by Kis 20 June.

Handy said, as long as the company partners with eCommerce, it can be said that Shopee is one of the platforms that has the same vision and mission as Anteraja. From the start, the two companies agreed to encourage MSME players to grow and increase their business scale more than it is today.

It has been four years since Anteraja's trip with Shopee. During that trip, said Handy, Shopee was a collaborative partner. Many programs were initiated together between the two companies.

Dan Shopee memang membuka ke beberapa perusahaan ekspres untuk ikut menjadi mitra layanan kurir di pla orm Shopee. Proses integrasi dilakukan bertahap agar semua kebutuhan masih pihak, baik dari sisi kami sebagai perusahaan ekspres-nya dan Shopee sebagai platformnya itu dilakukan, kata Handy.

Almost the same as Anteraja, SiCepat Ekspres, a well-known expedition company in Indonesia also has an interesting story while working with Shopee. SiCepat is well aware that Shopee as an eCommerce is able to reach many users from various segments. Like one of them, Cash On Delivery services or known as COD.

They will soon target many more Shopee users with their courier services throughout Indonesia. This is because Shopee itself opens cooperation with various expedition companies to serve those who want to shop but have not been touched by digital payment services.

There, SiCepat wants to collaborate more deeply.

"Together with Shopee, SiCepat is ready to bridge customers who want to shop online by paying directly on the spot," said Director of External Affairs Sicek Express Indonesia Imam Sedayu P.

Separately, Chairman of the E-commerce Logistics Entrepreneurs Association (APLE) Sonny Harsono said the alleged monopoly addressed to Lazada and Shopee recently could not be proven. As an Association, his party has not received reports from users or courier service players if they are harmed.

It's just that, said Sonny, maybe Shopee and almost all other eCommerce platforms do is a cross-selling interpretation marketing technique that can be misinterpreted as a monopoly attempt.

In the Shopee application in Indonesia, buyers can still change and choose 3PL after they check out. According to us, because there are still logistics or other couriers that are still used by Shopee, it means that Shopee only uses marketing techniques to make services more attractive," said Sonny.

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