JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) calls on Indonesian people who will travel during the 2024 Eid al-Adha holiday momentum to prioritize security and safety. "So this is a long weekend holiday at Eid al-Adha, 15-18 June 2024. Let's continue to pay attention to the safety aspects, yes, sometimes we also check the weather because this is uncertain for weather predictions," said the Main Tourism and Creative Economy Adyatama of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nia Niscaya, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 11.

He asked tourists to always pay attention to the rules that can be done and the prohibitions that exist in tourist destinations so that tourism becomes safe, comfortable and fun.

He also reminded tourism managers to apply appropriate management techniques or standard operating procedures (SOPs) when tourists start crowding tourist sites.

This aims to ensure that security and safety as stated in the standard Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) can always be considered.

Selain itu, pengelola wisata juga diminta untuk menyiapkan jalur evakuasi sebagai bentuk mitigasi, sehingga pengunjung dapat menikmati wisata menyenangkan dan pada akhirnya dapat menciptakan pengalaman menarik sehingga berkunjung lagi pada waktu mendatang."Jadi, menciptakan lamunan bagi orang lain dan dia akan datang lagi karena sesungguhnya keberhasilan sebuah promosi itu adalah dia datang dan datang lagi," ujarnya pula.Sementara untuk masyarakat yang berencana berwisata menggunakan transportasi seperti bus pariwisata, untuk dapat memperhatikan keamanan bus yang dikendarai dengan memperhatikan dari sisi izin kendaraan, bukti lulus uji ramp check melalui https://spionam.dephub.go.id/ serta memastikan ketersediaan asesoris keamanan yang meliputi sabuk pengamanan.

Another thing is to ensure the administration of the driver, as well as the condition of the driver who is getting enough rest and providing a proper rest area.

"Tourism vehicle drivers' rest hours must be considered, don't rush them. It seems that they always have to be reminded because safety is zero tolerance," he concluded.

Ahead of the Eid al-Adha celebration, Nia admitted that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy had started distributing letters to tourism and creative economy actors to prepare to welcome tourists.

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