PT Pertamina (Persero) appealed to the public to make cashless payments or non-cash transactions at public refueling stations (SPBU) when traveling back and forth to prevent long queues and maintain the security of officers.

"We ask for your help, appeal to the public when buying fuel in the rest area or at gas stations, you can use cashless or you can use MyPertamina too," said Pertamina Vice President Corporate Communication Fadjar Djoko Santoso in an event entitled Energy of Opening Together with Media in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, March 28.

This method, said Fadjar, continued, can reduce the transaction duration of each consumer, so that the queue to buy fuel will not be so long.

Referring to the experience in 2023, Fadjar said that 95 percent of fuel purchase transactions at gas stations were still using cash.

"This has the potential to cause quite a long queue, and is also related to the safety risk of the gas station or gas station officers themselves, because they hold large amounts of cash. Of course it is very risky," said Fadjar.

Pertamina's readiness in non-cash payments is the MyPertamina application which can be used for fuel payments. Pertamina also accepts payments using both a debit card and QRIS.

"So that it makes it easier, speeds up the transaction process, so that we can avoid the queue and do not have an impact on traffic jams," said Fadjar.

In order to anticipate people who are still paying in cash, Fadjar said that Pertamina has also coordinated with a number of banks in several areas to remain open during the homecoming and Eid season.

"When someone is still using cash, the cash will be directly deposited with the nearest bank, so that there is no accumulation of money at the gas station," said Fadjar.

In order to ensure that all subholding and subsidiaries are ready to meet the energy needs of all corners of the country during the Eid al-Fitr holiday, Pertamina also launched the Ramadan and Eid Task Force (RAFI).

Fadjar said that Pertamina has secured crude oil stocks, as well as optimized processing capacity.

Overall, he said, the readiness of the refinery processing capacity was sufficient for fuel production to meet the needs of the Ramadan Idul Fitri moment.

"We want to convey, appeal to the public, there is no need to worry about energy needs," said Fadjar.

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