Eid Al-Fitr Homecoming 2024, Government Ensures Landline Readiness
Special Staff to the Minister of Transportation and Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati. (Photo: Doc. FMB9)

JAKARTA - Special Staff to the Minister of Transportation and Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, said that the Ministry of Transportation will focus on preparing for smooth homecoming along toll roads and other arterial routes.

This strategy was taken based on joint research by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), a number of media, and the Ministry of Transportation which netted 42 thousand respondents. The result was 56 percent of them chose the land route to return home.

"Learning from Nataru yesterday, land transportation is indeed a favorite. Therefore, we have coordinated with stakeholders, including transportation operators, long ago," he said in the Dialogue of the 9th Merdeka Barat Forum (FMB9) with the theme '193.6 Million Homecoming People, How to Anticipate The Government?', Monday 25 March.

The Indonesian government regularly conducts research to be able to anticipate and prepare itself in the face of the surge in the flow of human movement during the Lebaran and Christmas and New Year periods. In the results of the announced research, it is predicted that 26 million people will go home. Meanwhile, the peak of the homecoming flow is expected to occur on D-2 Lebaran, while the peak of backflow on D+3.

"For those who decide to go home, avoid busy hours. Most of our research respondents choose to leave between 4 and 10 in the morning," Adita suggested.

Adita ensured that her party had taken proactive steps to ensure that the 2024 Eid homecoming trip would not only be a pleasant but also safe and efficient journey.

To unravel the density, he continued, the Ministry of Transportation together with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police have issued a Decree of Bers SKB. One of the important points is the limitation of large-dimensional goods vehicles.

Vehicle restrictions for three-axis vehicles will start on April 5 to 16. However, there are exceptions for basic goods, basic necessities, fuel, and delivery of Eid money. The safety and comfort of travelers is also a major concern. The Transportation Agency will conduct roadworthiness raids (KIR) for vehicles. The Ministry of Transportation has also prepared various traffic engineering scenarios that will be implemented in accordance with actual conditions in the field.

"Not only that, we urge drivers to avoid fatigue. Check health conditions before leaving," Adita ordered.

In order to reduce travelers using two-wheeled vehicles, the Ministry of Transportation and a number of SOEs provide free homecoming programs. He added that the homecoming post along the arterial route was also prepared to help travelers.

Infrastructure Readiness

In order to welcome the Lebaran homecoming wave, the Indonesian government has prepared toll road infrastructure with all available power. Member of the Community Elements Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT), Tulus Abadi, said that although it is not yet officially operational, there are six functional toll roads that are ready to be passed, providing alternatives for travelers from six in the morning to five in the afternoon.

"In Trans Java, there are the South Jakarta-Cikampek II (Kutanegara-Sedang Section) and the Solo-Yogyakarta-NYIA (Kartasura-Karaganom) toll roads. Meanwhile, in Trans Sumatra there is the Kuala Tanjung Toll Road High Cliff Section 2 Kuala Tanjung Indrapura and 3-4 Sinaksak Thousand Dolok, Bangkinang 'Tanjung Alai Toll Road, Indrapura' Kisaran (Section 2 Limapuluh' Kisaran), and Kayu Agung Palembang Betung Section 3 part," he said.

Reflecting on last year and the Nataru holiday yesterday, the rest area is one of the critical points that can cause traffic jams. Therefore, BPJT urges travelers not to park in the rest area if it is full and look for the nearest resting place outside the toll road.

He also ensured that his party had ensured that there were no potholes and added other facilities such as toilets to improve the comfort of travelers.

Regarding the increasing trend of using electric vehicles, Tulus assessed that this time there will also be an increase in the homecoming season. At this time, the government has provided Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) in 33 places in the rest area.

"We urge travelers with electric cars to monitor information related to SPKLU and their vehicle distance capabilities. Do not miss it to charge the battery, although if you strike there is no need to worry, because it will be towed to the nearest rest area," he concluded.

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